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{I do not own My Hero Academia.}

{TW: Blood/gore}

Katsuki's POV:

My eyes open into a hazy area. I blink the sleep out of my eyes and frown.

I was in a strange looking bar, chained and tied to a chair. The room felt tense, and quiet in a way you know someone else is there. Multiple people were in front of me, some I recognized. I frowned at them all.

Tomura Shigaraki. The supposed 'mastermind' of the League of Villains. The hands covering his body as usual. My eyes widen a fraction of an inch.

The purple mist man that was at the USJ incident as well. He had the teleportation quirk that was annoying.

Dabi. The fire one. He's the one who grabbed my neck, pulling me away from the world.

The crazy girl, Himiko Toga. I don't know a lot about her.

Then there's the others. The black and white masked guy. The magician looking man. The lizard mutant. And.. the guy with the sunglasses? The last one was kind of boring looking.

"Katsuki Bakugo.." Shigaraki says. "Welcome to our hide out!"

My mouth tugs downward further.

"We're here to recruit a new NPC for my game." Shigaraki continues, waving vaguely at his league. "If you join us, you can use all that pent up angry we know you have."

Dabi scoffs, rolling his eyes.

I don't speak. "Oh come on, don't tell me you're not itching to fight! You must be super weak." The black and white guy says, contradicting his words. I frowned at him in confusion, my eyebrows knitting together.

"Tomura-kun, can I stab him?" Toga asks, grinning ear to ear.

"Not yet, Toga." Tomura replies, standing up. "I want to talk with him."

I shifted my hands in the handcuffs they were in. Where the hell did they get this equipment? Aren't they broke?

"Can't you see how corrupt the heroes are?" Shigaraki says, spreading his hands. "It's been days, and yet you're still here, not saved by the supposed champions." He tilts his head down towards me. "Doesn't that make you angry?"

I decided to continue to stay silent. Obviously that pissed handy man off, because he scoffed and turned his head away.

"Toga, you can do your thing now. The NPC is boring to me." He says, before walking into another room.

Himiko Toga grins gleefully as the other league members also leave, other than the black and white masked man and the mist guy.

Toga walks/dances towards me, a knife suddenly in her hands. My breath hitches as she takes the first stab, grunting as the pain bursts into existence immediately. Toga leans close to my face. "You could be so beautiful if you were covered in blood." She says, licking her lips. "Let me arrange that."

She starts giggling as she pulls the knife out of my shoulder and trails it across my cheek. At first, not enough to cut, but then she puts pressure and starts cutting my skin.

I gritted my teeth, not looking at the crazy girl in front of me.

But then she stabs my other shoulder, which makes me grunt again in pain.

Toga leans closer, licking my cheek as the blood drips down from the cut she made. I finally look her in the eyes.. but they weren't her eyes. They were mine. If my eyes had a crazy yandere glint to them.

"Toga! Just kill him and be down with it! Make him suffer slowly and agonizing." The black and white guy behind Toga says, again contradicting himself.

The crazy girl smiles at him. "I would, Jin-kin, but Tomura-kun said I could only play a little with him." She says, disappointed. "Maybe after Tomura-kun is done with him I'll get to really play." She turns back to me and grins sadistically.

My blood runs cold when I realize what's about to happen.

.Third Person.

After Toga was done, and she reverted back to her original form, both her and Twice left. Leaving only Kurogiri and Katsuki alone.

Katsuki was bleeding. Bleeding from the shoulders, from his arms, from his face. There was a bad scrawling of a word in his skin, but the handwriting was too bad to read.

Katsuki blinked slowly, staring at the ground blankly.

A few minutes went by, before the league started filling the room again. This time Shigaraki sat at the bar, turned toward Katsuki again.

"Are you sure you don't want to join our ranks?" Shigaraki asked again. "We could level you up so much. You're a very valuable asset to have." He glares at the bloody boy. "Or you could rot here until your bones turn brittle, your choice."

Kurogiri finishes drying a wine glass. "Tomura, maybe just words won't persuade our guest." He says.

"Your right, maybe another play time with Toga will help?" Shigaraki threatens. Katsuki kept his eyes trained on the floor. Shigaraki scoffs. "Heroes are so pointless. You know that right? Most are in it for the money and fame. Don't even care about civilians. Yet it's the villains who get in trouble for acting on their beliefs."

Katsuki looks up with a snarling smile. "You villains don't know what you're talking about- Heroes save lives." He says.

"And you know that how?" Tomura counters. Katsuki frowned again. "Like I said, most heroes are in it for fame. Most of the time the only way to see heroes fight is by watching TV, which only shows the good parts of heroes. Have you seen the other side?"

The blonde frowns, before wincing as a flash of pain comes from his shoulder.

"He's not listening, can I please stab him?" Toga pleaded, twirling her knife in the air.

Tomura stares at Katsuki again. "Sure, go ahead." He says. "I don't understand why you want him here anyway."

Katsuki frowns. But then a new voice speaks up. "Tomura, if he joined he would be a key asset to your league." A screen in the back of the room said. "Be patient."

The chained boy barks a laugh. "You have a master?" He questions, a smirk crossing his face. "Of course, every dog has an owner."

Then he yelps out in pain as a flying knife embeds itself into the wood right next to his shoulder, cutting him along the way. Toga walks/dances over to him again, grabbing the knife and pulling it out of the wood. "Do you want to play again?" She says, grinning like a crazy Cheshire cat.

A knock on the door made everyone pause.

"Pizza Delivery!"


<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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