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Third Person POV:

"Someone get Aizawa sensei!" Kirishima yelled out the door.

Kaminari and Mina self appointed themselves as 'run to get teacher' kids, and ran off to the control room. Aizawa was halfway there already.

Katsuki was still passed out when Aizawa stormed into the room. "We're going to Recovery Girl." He says. He points down at the red head. "Kirishima, you're carrying him."

Kirishima's face flushed but he nodded. He shifted around and pulled the sleeping Katsuki onto his back so he was carrying the blonde in a piggyback style.

Katsuki hummed, but stayed asleep.

"Everyone, go back to your dorms." Aizawa says. When the class hesitated, he turned on his quirk. "Now."

Everyone scurried away, and Aizawa, Kirishima, and Izuku walked to the nurses office with the unconscious Katsuki.

When Recovery Girl saw the blonde, she sighed. "The poor deary.." She mutters and guides Kirishima to place Katsuki on the bed. "What happened this time?" She turned to Aizawa.

"Panic attack and then he fainted." Aizawa explained.

Recovery Girl frowns and nods, before kissing Katsuki's temple. Katsuki's face relaxed slightly.

"Will Kacchan get better?" Izuku asks.

Recovery Girl smiles sadly at the greenette. "We can hope, but trauma does bad things to the brain, and sometimes it's permanent." She says. "It's early on, so we won't be able to tell the lasting effects, but I suggest giving this boy a break from hero studies, maybe send him home."

Aizawa frowned. "If you say so, Recovery Girl." He says. "Although I am slightly worried about his home condition.."

Izuku frowned at his teacher. "What are you talking about?" He asks.

Aizawa crossed his arms. "Not your problem." He waves the greenette off. Izuku pouts, wanting to know why Katsuki made Aizawa worried.

Katsuki muttered something incoherent in his sleep, burying his face in the pillow. Kirishima smiled fondly at him.

"The deary can sleep here for the night." Recovery Girl says, tapping the floor with her cane. "I'll check up on him in the morning. Until then, shoo shoo." She pokes the others with her cane until they leave the room.

After a few minutes, Katsuki's eyes opened slightly. "Recovery Girl?" He says, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

The recovery hero turned to him. "Hello deary, you slept well?" She asked. Katsuki nodded. "Good to hear, you're going to stay the night, so you can go back to sleep if you would like."

Katsuki hummed and rested his head on the pillow again, before dozing off quickly.


The next morning Katsuki slept soundly until eleven. When he finally did wake up, Recovery Girl checked on his heart rate and other medical things.

"Alright, deary, I'll let you go to your dorms now." She said. "But you better keep resting or you'll come back too soon for my liking!" She scolded the blonde, making him flinch ever so slightly. Recovery Girl noticed and stopped, but didn't bring it up.

"Thank you." Katsuki said before leaving the nurse's office and heading to the Heights Alliance.

Since it was a Tuesday, and everyone was at lunch, the dorms were empty. Katsuki went up to his room and lay down on his bed, putting his hands behind his head and looking at the ceiling.

I wonder what Kirishima's doing.. He thought offhandedly. He quickly shook his head of those thoughts, feeling his face warm up for no reason. A few minutes a silence, other than the ticking of his clock, went by before Katsuki felt himself get tired again. He closed his eyes and turned on his side.

As his body sank back into sleep, he thought of the strange red head that kept appearing in his thoughts.

Katsuki woke up to the sound of people entering the dorms, chattering and banging down in the common room. He sat up drowsily, blinking tiredly at the thought of other people.

But his stomach was feeling empty and his throat was feeling dry, so he stood up to go downstairs. He wobbled a bit from waking up, but steadied himself before opening the door and heading to the elevators.

When the elevator opened into the common room, the first person to spot Katsuki just had to be Kirishima.

"Bakugo!" The cheerful red head says, walking toward the still half asleep boy. "How are you?"

Katsuki blinked at him for a moment. "Fine." He says, his face turning a strange cherry red and he glanced away.

"Kacchan, are you feeling better?" Izuku came up to him as well. He was holding a basket full of vegetables, seemingly to go to the kitchen.

Katsuki stared at Izuku, not glaring like he usually did, which creeped Izuku out. He smiled nervously before darting away without another word. In all fairness, it was just Katsuki zoning out from still being half asleep.

"Bakugo?" Kirishima asked. When Katsuki doesn't respond, Kirishima purses his lips. "Bakugo!"

Katsuki jolted and look over at Kirishima. "Oh." He says.

"Are you still feeling tired?" Kirishima says, an amused smirk appearing on his face. "You still look half under the blanket. You sure you'll get to dinner time?"

Katsuki glared at Kirishima, about to argue. But, unfortunately for him, a large yawn suddenly came out of his mouth.

At Kirishima's smirk, Katsuki frowned. "Damn it." He says. "I'm getting a snack."

The red head grinned. "Okay!" He says. "What do you want?" He asks, walking with him over to the fridge. He pulled out a glass of water and filled it up, before handing it to Katsuki, who reluctantly took it.

"I dunno." He says, sitting down on the kitchen island. "Something easy."

Kirishima grabbed a cup of spicy instant ramen. "Does this look good?" He asks, waving the box in the air in front of Katsuki. He doesn't get a response, since Katsuki dozed off with his head in his hand. Kirishima smiled warmly. "I'll get it ready for you." He whispers.

The red head sets up the ramen and then waits for it to be done. His eyes wander over to Katsuki's sleeping face.

There was a moment of peaceful silence, thankfully since everyone else was on different floors, or Kirishima just gazing at Katsuki's face. That was until Katsuki's face slipped forward onto the table, making a thump sound. When Katsuki didn't wake up, Kirishima giggled into his hand.

Katsuki mumbled something incoherent.

Kirishima smiled dreamily at the blonde and reached forward to brush Katsuki's blonde hair back.

"Beautiful.." The red head whispers.

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)


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