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{A Few Days Later}

Third Person POV:

"What?" The class questions. "Ultimate Moves?"

Aizawa nods. "Yes." He says. "Most heroes have ultimate moves to defeat their enemies. So in order to make sure you all are able to defeat villains, we're starting your ultimate move training now." He looked out around the large area the class was in. It was called Gym Gamma.

Cementoss raised his arms and suddenly the ground rose in many many pillars for the students to stand on.

"Each one of you will be working with a clone of Ectoplasm." Aizawa says, turning to his students. "You'll work on your ultimate moves for the rest of class. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!" The class, minus Katsuki and Shoto, shouted.

Ectoplasm started making clones and they were assigned to classmates. They were then placed on different pillars to start practicing.

Katsuki stared down the skeletal-looking hero with a blank stare.

"What would you like to work on, Bakugo?" Ectoplasm asks politely.

Katsuki glanced around the pillars. "I'm not sure.." He says, trailing off. He frowns.

"We can start by just practice dueling." Ectoplasm suggests. "Then work our way into making a ultimate move."

The blonde stared at the hero, before nodding.

They started dueling, which made Katsuki feel better than he had in a long time since he could let out some steam. Ectoplasm had to make two more clones before Katsuki was ready to stop, taking a break to drink some water. He sat down, occasionally taking a swig of water.

"What are you thinking for your move now?" Ectoplasm asks. Katsuki frowned. "Still not sure? That's fine, it's why I'm here to help."

They started talking about ultimate moves, and getting a bit of progress before Aizawa called to him.

"Bakugo." Aizawa says. "Someone's come to meet with you."

The entire class stops what they were doing to glance between the teacher and Katsuki. The blonde blinks down at the teacher before looking at Ectoplasm, who nods at Cementoss to bring the pillar down.

Katsuki walked over to Aizawa. "Who's here for me?" He asks.

Aizawa frowns in what seemed to be concern. "I'm not sure." He says. "Come with me."

Katsuki nods and follows his teacher out of Gym Gamma, not noticing the stares from the whole class. Kirishima also frowned in concern for his (ahem)friend, noticing a strange feeling in the air.

"Bakugo, this person who came to meet with you is from the Commission." Aizawa says quietly as they make their way to the main office. "I'll warn you, they are not people you want to mess with. So be cautious around them."

The blonde nods. They finally entered one of the meeting rooms, where a man in a business suit was waiting. His hair was black and in a military hair cut.

The man smiled widely when he saw Katsuki, standing up and taking his hand to shake it. "Hello, My name is Ozaki Ikemoto," He says. "Can I assume your Katsuki Bakugo?" Katsuki nodded and shook the man's hand, albeit hesitantly.

"Yes." Katsuki says, glancing at his teacher. Aizawa was giving the man a death stare.

Ikemoto smiles with his eyes closed. "Perfect." He says, before looking at Aizawa. "Ah.. I was hoping for a private chat with your student, if you don't mind."

Aizawa frowns. "Fine, but the room has cameras in each corner, so don't try anything." He warns, before leaving the room.

Ikemoto smiles back at Katsuki. "Why don't we sit?" He says, waving at the seats. Katsuki does so, seating across from the man. "You won't believe how long I've waited to meet you, Bakugo." He starts, clasping his hands together over a notepad on his lap. "The Commission has taking quite an interest to you, as you can see."

"Why?" Katsuki asks.

"Your quirk." Ikemoto says. "Your skin secretes nitroglycerin-like sweat that explodes on command, correct?"

Katsuki nods.

"The Commission was wondering if you would come to our HeadQuarters to do further research on that quirk of yours." Ikemoto says.

The blonde furrows his brows. "What kind of research?" He asks.

"Nothing important, just different questions we have." Ikemoto says, waving his hand vaguely in the air. He stares directly into Katsuki's eyes, which makes the boy feel unsettled. "We'll bring you to the base and study your quirk for a few months before sending you back to school. And don't worry, we'll catch you up on schoolwork and other things while your there."

Katsuki frowned, a strange feeling hanging in the back of his mind. "I'm not sure." He says. "We're starting to work on our Ultimate Moves, so I don't think I should go."

"Everything will be accounted for and fine." Ikemoto says, smiling. "You just need to come with us, and we'll do most of the work."

Katsuki blinked. "Oh." He says. "Alright then. I'll go."

Ikemoto beams. "Perfect!" He says. "I'll talk with your guardians and teacher, but then we can go."

Katsuki nods. The strange feeling in the back of his mind vanished.


Katsuki left the black car with Ikemoto. They arrived at a very large building that was the Commission's HeadQuarters.

"Woah.." He whispers.

Ikemoto nods at the boy's awed reaction. They entered the building, where Katsuki saw guards stationed on almost every corner. He followed closely with Ikemoto in case he might get lost.

After a long minute of walking, they passed a hallway where Katsuki could have sworn he saw red wings, but they continued and he couldn't see.

Finally, the two entered the lab areas. Katsuki's nervousness about this whole ordeal felt like a pile of living mush, trying to form something but nothing could happen. Ikemoto led Katsuki passed most of the scientists, a few who looked up in shock when they saw the blonde.

"Before we start, I'll have to give you a run down on rules and things." Ikemoto says as they enter a room with a sofa. "Please, take a seat."

Katsuki did so, and looked at the man in front of him. A different worker came into the room with a cup of tea. They set it on the table in front of Katsuki, and he took it and sipped at it a little.

"Just so you know, you won't be able to go most places without authorization." Ikemoto says. "You'll get authorization from either me or one of the higher ups, but no one else."

Katsuki nodded, taking another gulp of the tea. Ikemoto continued talking about different rules and prohibitions. After about five minutes later, Katsuki's head started feeling the same way it did when his fainting spells were about to happen, except different.

His brain felt like mush, and dark spots invaded his vision. He tried to speak, but all that came out was a quiet hum. He swayed slightly, before the cup in his hands, still half full of tea, crashed to the ground.

The door opened again, this time revealing the President.

"Ah, Madam President." Ikemoto says. "I believe the subject is ready for testing." He says, gesturing to Katsuki, whose vision goes black and he slumps in his seat.

<^> To Be Continued

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... 🫢

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