Children of the moon godess

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" Sweatheart come upsairs you must be hungry and tired, ill show you to your room and get you some food." Mum says as she takes me up the stairs. " Ill let you have a look and go get some food."

We turn into a large room with a whole wall as a window looking into the forest. The room is painted a light blue (my favourite colour) and had a walk in robe and onsuit. Inside the walk in robe i had a mirror that showed my whole body not just my face and i had loads of clothes that where quite nice might i add. It also had a large table with a drawer and a round mirror, i opened the drawer to find high quality makeup. I walked to the onsuite and noticed a large shower and a spa. I also notice that the walk in fobe and onsuite had a slightly darjer shade of blue on its walls that suited it perfectly making everything stand out. I walked back over to the bedroom and sat down on my beautiful king sized bed and layed down relaxing. "Wow, i could get used to this" i said to myself

"So could i" said sierra.

" Here is some food." She said carrying a tray with all kinds of meats. I licked my slightly chapped lips and my tummy grumbled. We both laughed and shared the meal talking about things like what its like and who is in the pack.

She told me that in this pack there were also a few vampires as they were friends of my parents.

" I have a question." I said slowly and she just nodded " what happed to my parents" i asked she froze slightly and sighed

" Ok well basically not going into detail your mother was the only moon godesses child in our time and what happens is when one i born the last one dies. So since you and you brother were born your mother was due to die but she didnt. So they lived another two happy years but when you where born there was a war going on and one of the rogues took your mother but luckily as soon as he touched her she vanished, this means the moongoddess saved her from her pain but it also meant that she was with the moongodess not bring able to come back." She said sadly "you father died soon after due to the pain"

"Oh... "Is all i could manage " wait so dillan and i are children of the moongodess?!" I asked

"Yes your brother being the silver child has power like you wont beleive, he will be a wonderful leader for this pack. But you on the other hand are the goldern child which means you have even more power being able to do many things. But with this comes great difficulty you must be careful who you share this with all supernatural beings know of these gifts but they dont think you have the power to stop them from using you. Which you do but still be careful actually, you'll be fine i should be worning your brother more about this. If one of you die however the other receives all of their power but still wont be as powerfull as you both combined." She explains.

" So if we both have children wont their be more moon godess children" i ask

" No see only you being the girl can posess the power of giving birth to more but since your mother had lasted a while after your brothers birth you may be able to live with your child aswell and dont worry your mate wont be able to use you, you will get specific notices that will identify it straight away and it will be obvious to you only." She says with a frown which was quickly covered with a smile.

"Ok i think thats enough for today, do you mind asking the pack trainer if i can start training tomorrow??" I ask

"Sure, goodnight" she says kissing my forhead before keaving with the dishes.

I go to my walk in robe and take out some pj's, wight pants with gold wolves on them and a plain black midrift.

slowly i crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.


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