Time to kick some ass

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' everyone to meet outside of the house at 8:00 for training.' Mum mindlincked the pack. I got out of my shower and to my walk in robe putting on a army midrift and some black highwaisted shorts, to finish i put some black hightop converse on with a bit of a wedge. I only put mascara and eyeliner on and put my hair in a messy, yet cute bun.

I was happy with my look.

I walked downstairs to everyone and ate breakfast sitting next to cody.

"Hey beautiful" he said kissing my cheek.

"Hey" i replied "ready for training" i asked.

"Ye, im excited. And use the training you got when you did the sense course" he replied. This was a training course i did that helped me to use my senses in a better way. Some times i was blindfolded and had to get around and do things like that. Other times i wasnt able to hear, and sometimes i even had a drug that caused me to not be able to feel anything but still move.

"Yup, im so excited to show off what i can do." I smirked

We got up and walked outside. It was only 7:30 so know one was here yet which gave us time to set up.

Once everyone came i called susa and told her what i think we should do. She thought it was a good idea.

"Okay everyone listen up" i yelled over everyones voices.

"Why should we listen to you" a snobby slut asked, i recognised her as the girl jacob was with that day he regected me.

"Um because 1. Im lunas daughter, well adopted daughter 2. Im your coach and 3. Im the strongest in my pack" i retorted. She just glared at me.

" Okay werewolves and vampires over 20 go over to susa, shes going to train you guys and everyone else stay here." I say just a little bit louder than my usual voice so that everyone can hear me. People started moving into their designated places and the lower than 20 year olds came with me.

"Okay everyone i want you in two groups everyone below the age of 10 go to your right and everyone above go to your left." I said in my normal voice now which was loud enough for a group this size. Everyone moved to their groups.

"Okay under ten i want you to go to the small track and do ten laps record your places on this sheet, claudia i want you to keep track with timing." I say handing it to a small girl from my pack.

"Ok you guys" i say turning back to the others "we are doing the same except its 20 laps on the big field, and we have to finish before the youngsters, which should be easy, im going to time you and record your places." I tell the.

"Why are you too scared to loose to us" said that snobby bitch again. Her name was britney.

"No, i just need to train you guys, but if its a challenge you want then its a challenge you'll get." I reply.

"No you wont be a challenge im the fastest of my pack so this will be easy. You and i only racing on the track wolf form " She said smirking

"I dont need to be in wolf form to beet you" i reply taking a spot next to her on the track.

"Ok but prepare to eat my dust" she sneered at me

" i dont think you should speak so soon." I say smirking. As cody and jacob get ready with timers.

" Ready...


GO" cody says and as soon as he does i run at full running around the track twenty times real quickly slowing down on the last lap and walking over the finish line.

It started with a regectionWhere stories live. Discover now