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"If the multiverse really exits. I hope our other selves are genuinely happy".


The clouds gradually disappear as they clear the way for the bright sun. The sky is blue and quite soft. The birds flew around peacefully. Songs of beauty are sung by them, just a rhythm without any words. The cool breeze and fresh air give comfort and relaxation. A rustling sound of the dried leaves interrupted the calm sound of the traveling wind. A soft hand slowly brushed through the engraved letters. She ran her hands through the gravestone, picking off some dried leaves on it.

A year has passed. A long year of grief, yearning, and loss but still full of hope.

Another chance.

New life.

New chapter.


"Hey, it's me! The person you saved."

"I'm still recovering".

"Thank you for saving me. I'm the new owner now so I'll promise to take good care of this. I will always be forever grateful to you and this precious heart."

A smile appeared on her face as she feels her heart in a calm and relaxed beat.

This was the third time she visited the girl. The first one was when she fully recovered then the second time was the girl's birthday and now, her death anniversary, a year has passed since the heart transplant.

In loving memory of Yeh Shu Hua
"Enjoy every moment you live"

"I still remember the last words your mother said to me after my operation....."

"Live and be happy".


Tzuyu's POV

Yeh Shu Hua. I met her at the hospital by chance because of her mother. But she has no idea about it. Her room is next to mine and I remember, it was Spring season on that day. According to her mother, she got into a car accident. She was declared a brain-dead patient for almost six months when I was urgently brought and confined in the same hospital she was admitted to. It was the next day after I had a cardiac arrest on that night when Sana was still undergoing an operation. I was so lucky but more grateful since I survived that night. I thought I was going to die. But fate is kind to me, especially to God. He still gave me a chance to live.

After a week of being hospitalized, my body quickly weakened. I lost all my strength to the point that I can barely move my body or can't even walk on my own so I had no choice but to use an electronic wheelchair. I said to my mother that I want to get out of my room since I started to feel suffocated and bored being just there lying only on my bed. I was so eager to see what the outside of my room look like. I want to see the view from the outside, but I was not allowed to go out of my room or even from afar. Since my immune system got weaker, my doctor told me that I might get infected easily by a transmitted virus. If that happens, my condition will get worse that's why he forbade me. I know it was for myself and the sake of my health but I don't want to live the rest of my life here in the hospital by locking myself in my room.


"Mom, please?! Just outside my room. I want to go outside! I don't want to be in here. I feel so suffocated!". I accidentally raised my voice at my mother. It was the first time I yelled at her. My mood changed as soon as I saw how my mother's eyes become sad. And that's when I realized I commit a mistake so I apologize quickly.

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