how they got kidnapped

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Some of these are not confirmed just some I made up or theories from other creators

Griffin Stagg

Griffin was riding his bike to his house with a bloody knee a bandana wrapped around it after playing in the park for a while

It was late at night and the street lights were already on

As Griffin approached his street a van stops right infront of him making him fall off his bike scrapping his knee even more

The man walks out of the van

?:oh my silly me here let me help you up

The man helps Griffin up and Griffin stops and turns to him

?:I'm a part time magician, wanna see a magic trick?

Billy Showalter

Billy was on his bike with his dog giving out the newspaper as he usually does every morning

Halfway through giving out the newspaper he notices a black van approaching him from behind

He stops and he turns to stare at the van

The van comes to a stop and a man with a hat comes out of it

Vance hopper

After being cuffed for staring a fight at the Grab n go, Vance didn't want his abusive father to find out about it

So while he was being driven home he point to a random house

"This is it right here"

The car stops infront of the house and he gets out and kicks the gate open

He walks towards the door and knocks on it and a man opens it

Bruce Yamada

After winning his game, Bruce went for a bike ride around his neighborhood

Bruce hears a wind sound and looks up to see Finneys rocket

As Bruce keeps riding his bike he sees thus black van stop on his turn

Bruce in confusion stares and rides past it before being grabbed

Robin Arellano

Robin was walking home after going to his local corner store for some sweets

He decides to take a shortcut behind this ally

As he turns he sees a black van with a man wearing a capa walks out of it

He walks towards it thinking nothing of it

Finney Blake

As Finney walked home after school he walked past an empty street

He sees that he's approaching a black van and stares  in confused

All of a sudden a man with groceries pops out of nowhere dropping everything

Finney stares at the man as he tries to pick up everything

Finney:do you need help?
?:*laughs* you see that

Finney nods

?:I'm a part time magician, wanna see a magic trick?

Finney smiled as the man shaked a can

He peeks into the back window of the van

Finney:are those black balloons?

The man opened the van and grabs the balloons and immediately attacks Finney

Finney screams as the man sprays the fluid from the can on his face and he pushes him into the back of the van

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