Barbie-Mason Thames

818 15 1

You and your boyfriend were getting snacks to watch the new Barbie movie

You were dressed as Barbie/Ken and he was dressed as Ken

You both dressed up against Masons will

Y/n:I'm so excited we look so good
Mason:why do you do this to me
Y/n:why do you let me
Mason:cause I love you
Y/n:I love me too

He side eyes you and you guys get your popcorn and start heading to the theater

Mason:I'm gonna hate this
Y/n:no you're not
Mason:yes I am

Time skip

The credits play and you turn to Mason

Y/n:babe- are you crying?
Mason:no my eyes are sweating
Y/n:yeah whatever you loved the movie
Mason:nuh uh
Y/n:I don't believe you

Mason:the soundtrack hits though
Y/n:that's basically saying that this js your favorite movie ever
Mason:I'm never watching anything with you again
Y/n:that's what you said after we watched The little mermaid, which you also cried too

I don't know what to write

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