messing with me-Vance Hopper

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"You only come out at night, I used to think I was smart but you made me look so naive the way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me, oh blood sucker, fame fucker, bleeding me dry like a damn vampire "


You and Vance have been an off and on type of relationship

But the thing is you guys would never make it official

You guys would talk, distance, he'd get a girlfriend, they'd break up, and repeat

He'd always keep you a secret

You were sick of it but you loved him


It was midnight and you were currently doing homework

Earlier that day you saw Vance with his arm around another girl, acting as if he wasn't in your room the night before telling you how much he needed you

As you finished the last of your homework you hear a tap on your window and you already knew who it was


You ignored him as the taps got more louder and desperate

Vance:Yo open the window
Y/n:go away Vance

You roll your eyes and walk towards the window

He smiles at you but you just close the curtains, his smile fading quickly

Vance:come onnnn
Y/n:go away Vance, I don't want you near me right now
Vance:what did I do
Y/n:what didn't you do
Vance:let me in and we'll talk about it

You open the curtains and unlock the window

He opens it and crawls in


He tried kissing you but you turn your head away

Vance:what's wrong with you
Y/n:what do you mean? you should know
Vance:well I don't
Y/n:I just wanna know why you were in my room last night and all day today you ghosted me and flirted with another girl

Vance:I won't revolve around you, I can talk to other girls

You just stare at him

Y/n:are you messing with me?
Vance:no it's just-
Y/n:it's just that you only want me when you have nobody else

Vance just stays silent

Y/n:get out

This is inspired by something that actually happens, love telling yall my business

He snapped me halfway through writing this

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