tag youre it- Finney Blake

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This one's long so prepare yourselves for this

You and your boyfriend Finny were on your way to the Grab n go hand in hand going to buy some groceries and snacks

You had a long white dress on (like the one Melanie has in the mv if you don't like it) that Finney chose out for you and be bad a blue sleeved shirt (the one he wears in the movie) that you picked out for him

While walking there you notice an ice cream truck on the same street you were evey once in a while

Y/n:hey Finn
Y/n:have you noticed that ice cream truck
Finney:yeah but I didn't wanna freak you out

Finney was a gentle boy, a shy one, everytime those shit brains would bully him, you and Robin would fuck them up

So Finney not wanting to scare you was a normal thing, it was cute

Y/n:just stay close to me okay

We walk into the Grab and go and get a basket

Y/n:what cereal should we get?
Finney:Fruit loops?
Y/n:nah we too poor for that grab the Rainbow hoops

Finney smiles at you and grabs the cereal

Y/n:what else do we need
Finney:milk and soups because Gwen is catching a cold

You and him walk to the fridge area you hold the basket in one hand and hold his in your other

Y/n:this one will do
Finney:should we grab some other drinks for our movie night?
Y/n:ouuu yes

You get the drinks of you choice and start making your way back to the Iles and grab Gwen's favorite soups

You and your brother Robin have been taking care of the Blake siblings ever since you moved next door to them at the age of 10 so by the age of 11 you knew how to make what others would consider hard to make dishes

Y/n:now let's go get some snack

You and Finney get a handful of snacks for the three of you

Finney:is that all?
Y/n:yup now let's go before we miss Halloween
Finney:a scary movie?
Y/n:yes I'll hold you the entire time

Finney smiles at you and you both walk to the counter and the lady starts scanning the items

Finney clings to you and feel his heart beating faster


He whispers


You whisper back

Finney:I have a bad gut feeling
Y/n:what do you mean
Finney:somethings not right

Lady:that'll be $15.05
Y/n:thank you

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