love letter- Mason Thames

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Backstory: you and Mason have been best friends ever since your twin brother landed the role on The black phone

Mason:your best friend
Miguel:your brother

Y/ns pov

I was in my brother's trailer waiting for him to finish his last scene of the day when suddenly


Miguel screams slamming the door open then shut

Y/n:fuck is you screaming for?
Miguel:guess what
Miguel:Mason likes you

Woah am I hearing this right?

Y/n:yeah yeah whatever
Miguel:no really look what fell out his pocket today
Y/n:you're such a snoop thats his privacy..... but let me see

He hands a folded paper to you and you unfold it

(Yall I physically cannot write love stuff)

"Dear Y/n, I know it might be a little too late since we are almost done with The black phone and i might not see you for a while but I just wanted you to know that I like you, I like your hair, your eyes, the way you dress, the way you are, but I can admit to it in person but I'll admit it in this note, I've loved you ever since I first saw you step foot on set with Miguel, I would hope everyday you'd decide to join Miguel and I'd see your beautiful face again, but now it might be a little too late

                    -love Mason"

(Kill me pls)

Y/n:holy fuck
Miguel:awww you're blushing
Y/n:shut the fuck up
Miguel:Mason and Y/n sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g
Y/n:I should've ate you in the womb
Miguel:nuh uh cause then you wouldn't have met the love of your life Masy way

Y/n:imma strangle you right here right now
Miguel:yeah whatever

I folded the note and put it in my pocket, I stood up and went to look for Mason

Comment some request yall would want and I'll try my best to write it

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