chapter 4

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danny's pov-
me and maddie were sitting at the table with cassie and bridget and with my aunt beth while my mom was in the kitchen we were talking about my aunt beth's band then beth and cassie talked about cassie's "doll" staffaine then she gave cassie a bracelet then my mom walked in "look mom! i'm a badass" cassie showed her bracelet my mom sighed and sat down next to mads "please don't introduce her to your groupie world" my mom said "what's a groupie?" cassie asked looking at aunt beth "it's a nickname your mom gave me(i don't know what else she said)" my mom smirked "if you say so" she said "shut up,or you don't get a gift" maddie chuckled silently i smiled at her then aunt beth pulled out a mug "check out what i got your dad" she said my smile faded along with cassie and bridget's and maddie's yes maddie knows because i tell her everything it went silent "what's going on el?" my aunt beth asked my mom looked at me and mads "danny & maddie you both go get pizza with cassie and bridget" she said "ok mom" i said we all got up and i grabbed the car keys then i grabbed my bookbag "why you bringing your bookbag?" maddie asked "you never know" i said she rolled her eyes playfully we all left the apartment then went to the car then we drove to the pizza place talking and laughing while me and maddie sat in the front and cassie and bridget was sitting in the backseat but maddie was looking out the window silently biting her nails... wait,she does that when she's nervous

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now