chapter 10

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maddie's pov:
as we were looking at the book and talking we heard cassie screaming we ran out of the room and saw ellie choking cassie "mom!" cassie yelled i grabbed cassie and placed her on the ground while beth was locking the door "you okay?" danny asked "i'm sorry..i thought mom was better" cassie cried i looked at beth till i heard ellie yell "open the door like you open your legs you stinking groupie slut?! my mouth dropped,holy fuck i look at danny "beth" he said beth looked at us "go to your room" she said we got up and went to cassie and bridget's room danny and i were sitting on the bed till cassie walked over and sat between us "it'll be ok guys... staffanie will protect us..right?" we all hugged till we heard something... we all looked up and looked at the door silently i got up and walked into the kitchen "what you looking at bridget?" i asked i was about to walk to her but i hit a pan by accident bridget turned around and i saw her eating glass then she looked at me she had blood and black stuff on her face and her eyes were a weird color.. "i gotta kill the creepy-crawlies that i got inside my tummy" she said in a demonic voice she swallowed the glass and i saw it stick out of her throat then she looked at me again "i don't like having things inside my tummy" she said then she started crawling to me
-time skip-
i was wiping blood off cassie's face she was breathing shakily with tears in her eyes "hey.." i said softly lifting her chin up a little "is this a nightmare?" she asked "it's just like a nightmare cass.." i said "is what happened to bridget and my mom gonna happen to us?" she asked "i'm not gonna let that happen.." i said "i promise" i said while poking her nose gently "you'll be a amazing girlfriend to danny mads.." she said "oh yeah?" i asked "yeah.." she said i smiled softly
-time skip-
me and danny and beth were helping beth with the records then me and danny left the room

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now