chapter 6

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maddie's pov-
we got off the elevator then ellie ran over "you never take the elevator after a quake" she said "maddie dropped the pizza" cassie said i looked at her then at ellie "oh i love you guys so much more then pizza" ellie said pulling us into a hug
-time skip-
me and danny and bridget were in danny's bedroom trying out the book while me and danny were looking at the creepy pictures in the book it slammed shut out of nowhere me and danny both looked at bridget "you have to take the book!" she demanded "mom isn't letting us out of the door rest of the night" danny said bridget walked to the bedroom door then looked at us "tomorrow then" then she walked out shutting the door behind her me and danny looked back at the book and continued to look threw it but..why do i have a bad gut feeling we shouldn't be looking at this.. like something is gonna happen..? danny grabbed the records then put them on i was about to say something but he bumped into me by accident "shoot mads sorry" he said "'s ok" i said we started to listen to the records
-time skip-
the power went out we were putting candles up.. i'm still thinking about the book and what the guy said on the record.. i shook it off then ellie walked back in the apartment,finally "mom?" bridget said ellie ignored her then walked into the kitchen we walked into the kitchen and ellie turned the oven on then put a pan on then threw eggs in but there was blood in them...? "what's up sis..?" beth asked ellie started saying nonsense and scary shit then she started laughing like crazy then dropped the pan then looked at us with a scared look on her face "it's in me.." i looked at her with a scared look on my face hanging onto danny then she got on her knees and started crawling at us we backed away then she started throwing up white gross stuff then she looked at beth "don't let it take my babies.." she said then she passed out
-time skip-
me and beth and danny were dragging ellie to the elevator because we were gonna take her to the hospital "mom!" cassie called out for ellie beth looked at them "take cassie back inside!" beth yelled bridget and cassie just stood there "now!" beth yelled they walked back inside shutting the door behind them then we were gonna go in elevator but it didn't work "stairs!" beth said to us then me and danny went to the exit door but there was no stairs.. "guys!" beth yelled "there's no stairs.." i said beth walked over it went silent then we looked at ellie she had her eyes open but wasn't saying anything...

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now