chapter 13..

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maddie's pov:
"danny.." cassie whispered as she was hiding underneath the table he looked at her "i'm sorry cass.." danny whispered then he closed his eyes "danny.." i shook him gently " no no.." i shook him repeatedly "danny! danny wake up!" i sobbed "maddie he's gone.." beth whispered as she walked over " he's not gone..he just passed out..he will wake up.." i said as i was about to say something else 'ellie' pushed beth to the ground i looked up and grabbed scissors then stabbed 'ellie' in the face she sat there not moving i looked back at danny i was about to walk over till beth pulled me away "no! no i'm not leaving him!" i cried "mads he's gone..we have to go!" she said dragging me out shutting the door behind her i fell on my knees and cried loudly cassie tried to hug me but i backed away till my back hit the wall i hid my face in my knees "maddie we have to go.. before something happens" beth said "idc.." i cried beth sighed in annoynce then she grabbed the guy's gun 'ellie' walked out that's when beth pulled me up pulling me away beth shoot her leg then she fell as she was about to shoot her again someone grabbed her leg "that's my gun you thiefing cunt" he said i looked at him then saw danny and bridget walk out "danny.." i was about to walk over but beth stopped danny and bridget started crying looking at 'ellie's dead body' i stood there in shock realizing that he really is gone and i didn't get to tell him how i feel..till they looked up and looked at us then started laughing like crazy then ellie laughed a bit "everyone here dies by dawn beth" 'ellie' said i was looking at danny but he doesn't even recognize me anymore then all the ghosts started yelling 'dead by dawn' beth pulled me and cassie into the elevator then shut it i looked out the small window then backed away as beth started to press the numbers but there was blood...

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now