chapter 3

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(also i updated on the first chapter that she lives in apartment instead of a house)
maddie's pov:
i was walking to danny's place sense his mom ellie always drives us to school along with my other bestfriend bridget and their little sister cassie before i could knock on the door danny opened the door pulling me into a hug like usual "good morning to you too danny" i laughed "oooo" we heard he pulled away i rolled my eyes playfully i saw cassie and bridget "good morning to you both too"
-time skip-
me and danny were walking down the halls of the school with bridget and her friend sophie but sophie doesn't really like me,me and danny were playfully flirting as usual till sophie spoke up "just shut up already oml" she laughed with bridget cause bridget thought she was joking me and danny frowned when bridget saw the looks on our faces she stopped laughing then mouthed 'sorry' i mouthed back 'it's ok' then did friendly smiles
-time skip after school-
me and danny were at the park again talking shit about what sophie said till it got late "i think it's time to go now" i said "oh alright" we grabbed our bookbags then started walking home still talking shit about her till he got to his apartment "well cya tomorrow mads" we hugged "cya dan" then he walked away i sighed then started walking home blushing like crazy
-time skip-
i'm doing something stupid... soo i was doing my homework listening to my and danny's favorite playlist then i started thinking about him and my feelings about him so now i'm walking to his apartment ready to confess my feelings towards him even though i know it's gonna ruin everything i felt excited and nervous at the same time i finally got to his apartment door and knocked he opened the door and my heart stopped for a second "hey mads" he said "hi,can i come in?" i said he nodded "yeah" he shut the door behind me "what's up?" he said before i could say anything else someone knocked on the door ellie come to the door she opened the door but nobody was there me and danny got confused till a random lady popped out "boo!" she scared ellie,ellie punched her me and danny stood there in a shock till i realized who it was,wait it's the groupie?! (idfk how to spell that word that ellie called her in the movie)

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now