a happy ending for y'all

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maddie's pov:
before bridget could touch him i grabbed something and hit her with it and she fell i sighed danny looked at me in shock "holy shit mads" he said i smiled and hugged him then beth ran in the room "are you guys ok?!" she said we looked at her "yeah..we're alright" he said holding me close
-time skip-
beth just killed ellie and bridget while me and danny and cassie were all hugging each other comforting each other till beth shut the thing off and walked over,we were all covered in bl00d cassie looked at beth then they hugged i lay my head on danny's shoulder sighing in relief "it's finally over..." i whispered "finally.." he whispered back we all got up and left but beth stopped and grabbed the chainsaw then we left the apartment
-time skip to 2 days later-
beth got her own apartment now me and danny and cassie and beth are neighbors,anyways me and danny were walking to the park today is the today i'm finally gonna tell him how i feel but for some reason he also seemed nervous while we were walking to the park we finally got to the park we sat on the swings we chat for a bit "danny..i have to tell you something" i said while fidgeting with my fingers "i have to tell you something too" he said i smiled softly "let's both say it at the same time" i said "alright" we sighed then we said it "i like you!" we both looked at each other in shock then we smiled and had eye contact after holding eye contact for a bit he pulled me in then we kissed it felt like the whole world stopped for a second and it was just us too then we pulled away with huge smiles on our faces "maddie..i know this seems too fast..but would you like to be my girlfriend?" he asked i smiled "yes! yes ofc" i said we hugged and kissed
-the 'end'-

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now