chapter 8

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danny's pov:
we walked into my mom's bedroom and saw my mom sitting up looking at my aunt beth,beth had a scared look on her face "is she ok?" maddie asked aunt beth touched mom "she's burning up" she said we all took her to the bathroom maddie filled the bathtub up then we put my mom in but she started to freak out "i'll go get ice" bridget said leaving the room we tried calming mom down till she flew up we jumped back then she looked at us and screamed very loudly we covered our ears bridget walked back in the room with the ice but she saw mom she dropped the ice and ran out of the room to cassie then mom dropped back in the tub then i saw my mom's hands then she looked at us "mom..?" i said "mommy's with the maggot's now" my 'mom' said with a devil voice then she started to crawl out we backed away then ran out of the room then my mom looked at us from the corner then stepped on the icy slowly then walked at us maddie held my hand tighter i looked at her she had tears in her eyes i pulled her close to me (protecting) my mom went at ellie then stabbed her in the hand "MOM STOP!" bridget yelled
-time skip-
cassie and bridget were in the living room and i was comforting maddie in my bedroom she was crying in my arms "what the fuck is happening..." she cried "idk..." i rubbed her back i was reassuring her and comforting her

'my dummy' maddie x danny - evil dead rise fanfic Where stories live. Discover now