Cricket Needs to Go Pee

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As referenced in Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!)

Cricket was making her way through the crowded markets of Cicada Hive, looking at the various shops and stalls lining the plaza. She had decided to take a shopping spree before heading home for the day, checking out all her favorite book stores and places; stopped at the Sugar Dream... places like that. But now it was time to return home.

Unfortunately, the place was crowded at this hour, and getting anywhere, by talon or by wing, was slow-going, and right now, Cricket was kind of starting to need to sort of go... Pee.

Actually, she'd been needing to kind of go ever since she'd gotten out of school (actually, even before then), but she figured she could hold it. But as Cricket stumbled her way through the milling crowd, she was beginning to really need to go.

Cricket looked around. She was going to have to do it, she was going to have to stop at a store to use their pot.

Jittering her legs as she scanned her way through the crowd, she spotted a store nearby, and made her way to it. She rushed inside without even paying attention to what they were selling, and looked for the restroom. When she got there, she sighed with relief, it was open.

But then, the shop keeper appeared.

"Here for the bathroom young lady," the shop keeper said, "It's for paying customers only."

Cricket looked around. The store was selling fancy wear and scarfs that Cricket didn't really find that appealing. Maybe there was something in this place she would buy, but she really didn't have money to spend right now. Cricket tapped her legs uncomfortably, not sure what to do...

And then another dragon stepped into the bathroom carrying a book, locking the door behind her. Well, she was going to be in there a long time.

Cricket didn't have time to wait for this, so she quickly turned her attention from the shop keeper, and headed for the exit and left, the shop keeper looking disapprovingly after her.

Cricket scanned the marketplace, now she was really starting to need to go. She rushed by the stores, but the situation was the same, paying customers only.

Cricket stood outside a storefront whimpering. She had to go somewhere. She checked her money, but she didn't have enough allowance left to buy anything, she'd already spent it all on books. She whimpered again. She really had to go.

Cricket looked around desperately, desperate to find something, somewhere, where she could go.

And then Cricket spotted the park. They'd have to have public restrooms. Right?

Cricket rushed to the park, every step threatening to force what she was holding out of her. Her eyes were starting to tear up, this was too much.

And then she reached the restrooms. As she made her way to the stalls, she froze in her tracks, they were all – every single one of them – full.

Cricket wanted to cry. She couldn't do this. She had to GO!

She stood there awhile, waiting, hoping that somebody would step out soon. Nobody did. Cricket wailed inside. Should she try the men's room? By now, she didn't think there was much choice.

She rushed out of the woman's room, and into the men's room, but it was the same problem, all the stalls were full.

But then again, not all the toilets in here were stalls, she looked at the "other" types of toilets lining the walls. Should she try it? She knew it was a disaster waiting to happen, but just standing here was a disaster waiting to happen if she didn't go!

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