Battle Class Gone Wrong

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Sunny stood a bit anxiously with Tsunami at the head of the Battle Training Cave, awaiting the arrival of the first Winglet of the day. When Jade Winglet stepped into the room, Tsunami turned to address the class.

"Welcome once again to Battle Training. As you were asking about yesterday, how do you defeat an opponent who is larger than you? So today I have brought in Sunny to teach you about the many advantages smaller dragons may have over their larger opponents." She turned to Sunny, "You got this?"

"Yes," said Sunny, letting herself regain her confidence.

"Okay then, well, I'll see you after class."

"Wait, not alone!" Sunny cried after Tsunami. But it was already too late, Tsunami was out the door and out of earshot.

Sunny looked at the students before her and sighed.

"Okay, I'm going to split you into three groups. Moon and Qibli, you be together, Kinkajou and Turtle, and Umber, you can be with Winter."

Once they got into their groups, Sunny once again looked at them. Qibli was standing beside Moon, who was a bit smaller than him, he was looking at her as if trying to imagine all the ways she could come at him, and ways he could be clever enough to outmaneuver her.

"You see, when you're small," Sunny started, "It gives you plenty of room to get in close, and slip in on your opponent and attack them. For example..." Sunny paused, an awkwardness growing over her as she remembered the move she had once used on Starflight and Clay. There were so many other moves that could be done when you had the advantage of size, but suddenly, that was the only move she could think of.

Unfortunately, Moon must have picked up on that thought, because, "Oh, you mean like this," and quickly, while Qibli was distracted, Moon slid under him on her back, and kicked out with her back talons toward the opening in his back legs, in the direction of his tail.


Qibli's eyes suddenly went wide, Moon leapt out from under him...

And suddenly Qibli collapsed to his knees, holding himself, and roaring in agony.

Moon regretted what she had done in an instant, all eyes turned to her and Qibli, and Moon was not ready for the onslaught of thoughts from a room full of dragons who had just witnessed somebody getting kicked in an area nobody hoped to ever mention, but now could not NOT think about. Qibli himself was suffering from humiliating thoughts in his pain, In front of a girl, in front of MOON. I didn't even have a chance to out maneuver- OH MY N**S!!

Yeah, Moon didn't need to hear that. The thought that she was thinking that right now, that must be HUMILIATING for Qibli.

"I'm sorry," Moon said instantly, "I didn't know..." But she didn't quite know what she thought.

Qibli remained there moaning. So much for having technique!

Sunny's face was red, this was not how she wanted her class to start.

But then, Kinkajou, who was watching this and trying to process this, her face suddenly lit up.

"I want to try that!" She declared with excitement.

"Wait! No, wait!" Turtle said, eyes going wide.

But it was too late, Kinkajou had already leapt at Turtle, and before he could defend himself, she lashed out at Turtle exactly where Moon had on Qibli. At the contact, Turtle's eye went wide with shock of the abrupt explosion of pain that was beyond what he ever could've imagined, his face twisting with agony. Instantly he collapsed to the floor, moaning in pain as well. Kinkajou jumped away in victory, and turned to face Turtle who was holding himself desperately.

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