My Posable Turtle

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"Happy Anniversary," Turtle said as he handed Kinkajou a clumsily, but lovingly wrapped gift.

"Ooh! Thank you!" Exclaimed Kinkajou, ready to rip it open.

It was Turtle's and Kinkajou's first Anniversary together, and Turtle had put a lot of thought into what the perfect gift would be to get Kinkajou. Finally, he had settled on this one, and he could only hope she would like it as much as he hoped she would.

Wrapping paper shredded all over the place, Kinkajou took the gift and inspected it closely. "It's you," she said, somewhat confused. In her talons she held a miniature model of a dragon, roughly resembling Turtle.

"It's not just me," explained Turtle, "It's a posable figure of me."

Kinkajou moved one of the arms, still trying to figure out the point of it.

"It's animus touched," Turtle continued, "When its activated, you can pose it in any position you want, and I'll make the same pose, in real life." As he heard himself ay this, he suddenly began to grow more awkward as he realized how ridiculous of a gift this really was.

But a light of mischief just lit Kinkajou's eyes as she began to understand the potential uses for this gift.

"Wait," said Turtle even more awkwardly, "there are some rules. First of all, only I can activate it, and it only stays activated for the predetermined time I set it for. Second, it can't be posed in any way that might cause me injury. Other than that, it can do whatever you want."

"Oh thank you Turtle!" Said Kinkajou, giving him a big hug, "This is SO AWESOME!"

Turtle just blushed. He was always cautious about how he used his animus magic, but for Kinkajou's Anniversary gift, he figured it was worth it. Though he was suddenly starting to have second thoughts about this. A posable figure of himself? Who does that? This could only end in embarrassment.

"Okay, why don't you try it," said Turtle, taking the figure, trying to change the subject, "I think about one hour would be good, how about you?"

"Perfect!" said Kinkajou.

"Okay," said Turtle, "It should be ready... now."

He handed the figure back to Kinkajou, and Kinkajou fiddled it slightly.

Finally, she lifted the figure's left arm in the air.

In an instant, Turtle did the same as well.

Kinkajou lowered the left arm, and did the same with the right. Turtle followed, feeling very awkward over the feeling of loss of control over his own body.

A look of mischief lit Kinkajou' eyes.

In an instant, Turtle was hunched over his rear end in the air with Kinkajou standing behind him. Kinkajou giggled amusement. She adjusted the figure again, and suddenly, Turtle threw his tail high up in the air. Kinkajou giggled even harder. Turtle's face went red in embarrassment.

"You look so..." Kinkajou tried to get out through her humor, "so..."

Attractive, Turtle hoped she'd say.

"Funny," Kinkajou finished with a burst of laughter.

Well that sure stung with disappointment.

"Ooh, how about this!" Kinkajou announced, getting an idea.

Kinkajou suddenly threw out Turtle's back legs to either side in a full-on splits. Turtle yelped. Apparently, splits didn't count in the "do not injure" category, but man, they sure did hurt.

And even worse than that, with his back legs suddenly out from under him, the back half of his body had nothing to do but slam down onto the floor. And that was probably a part of himself that he didn't want to have slammed down onto the hard floor underneath himself.

Turtle whimpered, tears welled in his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't mean to..." Kinkajou could hardly suppress the laughter. "Here, let me help you with that."

In an instant, Kinkajou put Turtle's back legs back under him, but this time, she threw his front talons underneath him to hold the area between his back legs to ease some of the hardship he'd faced by slamming down onto the hard floor so hard.

Now this pose was so hilarious, Kinkajou couldn't help laughing. She fell onto her back and rolled around hysterically. "You look so ridiculous!" She cried.

Turtle felt stung, and not just from having been slammed onto the floor, he felt stung emotionally too.

"You just look so funny!" Kinkajou continued.

Yeah, I know, I know. Turtle thought.

Kinkajou loved this pose so much, she kept it on for a very long time.

As the hour neared to an end, Kinkajou tried a few other poses, but none were as amusing as the ones she had tried at the start. But all of them only served to make Turtle feel more and more self-conscious.

Finally, the time reached an end, and Turtle stood up, stretching himself. He felt a little stiff from having no control over his poses for the past hour, and it felt good to readjust his muscles in a way that worked for him again.

As the two of them went to bed that night, Kinkajou snuggled next to her husband.

"Thank you for the gift," Kinkajou said, "you were very funny."

"Yeah, I know," said Turtle feeling greatly disappointed.

"And very very attractive," Kinkajou added.

Turtle looked over at Kinkajou, "really?"

"Extremely," Kinkajou replied.

As Turtle looked at Kinkajou, his eyes lit up. And then the two of them smiled at eachother.


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