Chapter 2: TONY?

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Caps POV
I haven't seen tony in almost six days. I starting to worry cause tony always forgets to eat and he is so stubborn.

I either talk him in to Coming to the kitchen or I have to throw him over my shoulder and carry him down to the kitchen and make him eat. I think it's great that he listens to me cause he has been in four comas because of not eating.

Before all the avengers moved in he ended up in the hospital because he didn't eat for two weeks and didn't sleep for a week. ugh why do I care so much? I am just to nice.

ugh I should really go check on tony and find Bruce.

As I walk in to the kitchen I see Bruce kissing Natasha.

"Hey Dr.Banner" I call out.

"Oh, hey cap "he replied pulling out of their kiss.

"Hey nat" I say.

"Hey cappers" she says giggling.

"Well then, I guess you two don't know where tony is?" I ask.

"He's in his lab" they both say.

"Oh right, remind me why doesn't that surprise me?" i say as I walk out the door.

I head down to Tony's lab. knowing that he was not gonna let me in his lab. I should come up with a plan. You know, what I will just fly by the seat of my pants. You know like tony does. oh great now I sound like Tony.

I reach his lab door and oddly enough it wasn't lock, it was actually wide open. I walk in slowly and grab my shield from the door which tony was repainting.

Hear the slightest whimper. I can almost pin point where it's coming from and right as I pin point it. all the lights go out and the window covers close.

"Jarvis, why have you turned out the lights?"i say.

"Sorry sir but I was ordered to, Mr. stark does not want to be seen sir", he states.

"Oh well where is he then just so I know he is ok?" , I say planning something.

"He is in corner sir" , he states.
I head to where I heard the sound.
I hear someone voice telling Jarvis something ,Wait a second that voice is Tony's and he sounds like he has been crying.

"Tony?", I call out.

"Go away", he yells.

"No way, tony you need to eat!" , I state.

As I continue closer he squeezes himself tighter in to a Ball trying to hide. I put my hand on his knee, he tenses up . I put my hand up to his neck checking his pulse. he pushes my hand away. I do it again and again, he keeps push my hand away. Why doesn't he want my help?.

"Tony please I need to know your ok!" , I Try saying calmly but it comes outs really disparate almost like pleading.

"I'm fine, now leave me alone!" He yells.

"Jarvis turn on the lights please" , I say.

"But sir I have orders." Jarvis states.

"But nothing Tony needs to eat. I need to be able to see him." I say.

"Sorry Mr.stark but Mr. Rodgers is right you need to eat." he states as he turns the lights back. Tony quickly hides his face.

"Tony please talk to me, what did I do?" I say pleading with him.

"You can't fix this!" He says almost yelling into his knees.

"How would you know ?, maybe I could just help if let me be there for you, let me help you Tony please , your my only friend I have and I cant bear to lose you." I say almost in tears.

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