Chapter 14: never alone.

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"Look!" I told Steve. He and red skull both looked.

"No that's impossible! I killed him!" Red skull spat and tried to get up from where Steve had him pinned.

"Bucky you are ok?" Steve shouted.

"Yes I am. Thanks to Tony." He smiled at tony.

"What? You got him out? Why?" Steve look at me bemused.

"I will explain later I promise." I smirked. " let's figure what to do with this scumbag."

"I have a good idea." Steve pulls his pistol from his holster. I hold red skull down. He walks over to Bucky. "You deserve to kill this bastard more than anyone. I believe everyone should get a trial but he has been given plenty of chances. A fair trial only applies to human beings which he is no longer and It's time to end it." He handed the pistol to Bucky. Bucky took it. The pistol was no normal gun it's bullets had a poison put in them so if the shot didn't kill the poison would struck the system and there was no cure for the poison.

As he walked over to red skull, he took a deep breath.

Bucky knelt beside me.

"You forgot I control him right?" Red skull spat once more. He shouted Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car in Russian.

Steve panicked.

But nothing happened.

"What why didn't you turn into the killer I made you!" Skull screamed.

" I told you always outthink your opponent! I removed the Winter Soldier from Bucky because that's not who is he is. It took me a while but once I figured it out I got him unfrozen and re-wired to be able to think all on his own.

"Thanks Tony. Now skull you die here and that's the end for you." He puts the gun right on Skull's forehead. He hesitated but then pulled the trigger and Red Skull goes limp.

"Are we sure he won't come back.?" Falcon questioned.

"Yes we can be because his dead body will be put in a furnace." Black Panther states.

Bucky throws the pistol.

Steve rushes over to both of us. He grabs us and hugs as tightly as he can.

"You two are my world! And I am so glad that you are both safe. Thank you very much everyone for coming to save me." Steve said.

" I just glad I can think clearly and my mind is my own. That I own all too to Tony. He did this for me even though what I did to his parents." Bucky eyes land on the floor.

"Bucky, I am very sorry for blaming you I was unfair and didn't think that you didn't have a voice now I see that what's was happening you didn't kill my parents The Winter Soldier did not you ok?" I told him. I forgave him it was hard at first then I slowly realized I didn't did to forgive him it wasn't him.

He smiled.

" let's get out of here!" Bruce shouts and everyone walks out. Black Panther and a couple others pack up the body.

Bucky doesn't move from the floor.

"Tony, you gave me something back that I have wanted for a long time, my mind but not only that my emotions." He said as he cried for the first in time in decades. Cap comforted him.

"I can remember everything now. You were able to return my memories as well. How is that possible? I thought they would be gone forever?" Bucky looked bemused but still happy.

"That's my boyfriend for you doing the impossible is his job description." Steve says hugging us again.

"It wasn't only me. It was all of us we all had a hand in it." I smiled gesturing to everyone.

"Thank you, all of you. One last question. So are we ok, tony?" He questioned.

"Yes, of course we are you did nothing wrong." I smiled.

"Now , can we get out of here?" Falcon questions.

"Hell yes." I smile. I grab my face mask.

We head back to the Avenge-Jet with Red Skull's body locked away.

Hey guys only a chapter to go!!!

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