Chapter 11: All Comes Down To

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Tony's POV

"how do we get in with out being seen?" I question aloud. Everyone freezes and gives me this weird look.

"How about we just bust in there guns a blazing and arrows flying!" hawk questions yelling aloud at the whole crew. he takes out one of his explosive arrows and readies himself to loose the arrow without hesitation.

"Goddamn it we need a plan,hawk" I scream slamming my fists onto the control panel making everyone freeze. I think I scared them. But why can't i think of something? All i can think about is him and What they may done to him?

"Tony are you ok?" Bruce walks up to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

"Bruce i am fine but none of you guys are coming up with godamn plan!" I scream shoving him back. I fall on to my hands and knees. I burst in to tears. what is going this is so not like me? but with cap around i am losing it.

"Tony please come on it will be ok i promise" Bruce states rocking me back forth. i stop crying realizing how stupid i look. I stand up and pull bruce up as well and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you so much bruce, your the greatest friend I could asked for!" I say hugging him tight.

"Wow tony I think just nicest thing you have ever said to me" He states laughing and releasing from the hug. I punch him in shoulder playfully.

"So does.." Sam interrupts me "I have got an idea" he states projecting his stark tablet on to the screen in the jet.

"of course! why i didn't think of that?" I giggle a little as the words roll off my tongue. I smack myself in the face (face palm). As i rush off down the corridor.

20 minutes later.

I come back out holding exact copies of a hydra soldier uniforms. bruce rushes over and grabs one;examines it and pats me on the back.

"Its a perfect replica that amazing tony I am defiantly impressed and in just 20 minutes you made all us one?" Bruce stares at the uniform in astonishment.

"Thanks it was actually quite easy." I say as a smile creeps quickly on to my face.

"Everyone get moving get changed and get ready. avengers assemble!" I yell they run as off to prepare.

I rush in to my room and get changed. I walk over to the full Leigh body mirror. I stare into the mirror and ......


In the stark tower

I had been admiring myself in the mirror in my room. I was getting ready for a press conference and was required to wear a tuxedo. I bought a brand new suit. It was a navy blue jacket and pants with a lighter blue shirt under neath and a maroon tie. I kept changing the tie and throwing each one a tried.

I had just put a bright pink tie on when a looked in mirror to see Steve leading against my door frame. he smiled and walked up behind me.

"you know you look great in any thing, right?" He giggles little and wraps his arms around my neck sets his head on my shoulder. I place my over his.

"I know but this is a big deal I want to dress the best I can." i state sighing throwing the bright blue tie on the floor with the rest and reach for another one but Steve pulls me around to face him.

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