Chapter 8:dream?

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Tony POV

When I wake, I shoot up in to A sitting position. I wake up almost relived.

"It was just a dream" I say sighing and laying back down. I falling to a deep sleep but I still feel like it's really not a dream that it really happened.

A few hours later

"Tony wake up, Tony come on stop being lazy." someone is yelling and shaking me hard.

"Ok ok I am awake what is it?" I say yawning while sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I finally open my eyes to see

"Steve?" I whispered

"Tony it's the opening of bridge of spies. you said we could go to the premiere." he says still on his knees on both sides of my legs.

"Oh yeah crap what time does it start?" I question feeling bad I forgot. I am so glad to see him.

"In like an hour! Come on get changed I will go do the same." He yells as runs out the door jeez he is like a teenage girl about to meet a famous guy from some boy band or something.

"Ugh.. wait my head doesn't hurt at all, that's new" I say laughing a little.

I get up, go to my closet and walk in. I grab a regular black and white tux. I want to impress Steve and this is a movie premiere that me and Steve we're inviting as Guests of Honor because the one of the actors was on that city that got lifted in to the sky. I was the one who grab him and got in to a safe place but he knew that me and Steve loved each other even before we did. That girl was cool.

"Jarvis is Steve ready to go?" I call out to my A.I

"I don't know. I can't find him sir!" J.A.R.V.I.S states. my heart drops it wasn't a dream was it.

"Jarvis is the fake Steve ready to go?" I question trying to be a smart ass.

"I believe so sir" He states.

"Ok call all the avengers we need to find the real Steve Rodgers or I will never forgive myself and I will hate myself forever that is no joke Jarvis!" I say raising my voice A little. I just want to curl up in to a ball so I can cry and scream. I can't lose him. I won't lose him i won't allow it.

"Yes sir and i didn't think it was I know how much you love Mr. Rodgers and how much he loves you. remember you build me with lie directors." He states.

"Oh yeah" I say.

I heard running down the hall. right then I see my door fly open and the rest of the avengers are standing in my door way.

"Ok first of all who knocked me out?" I say putting my hand on my hip then I realize who it was when I remember the red glowing stuff.

"It was me, tony. I did it cause you were losing it I thought it would help but you were so upset you caused my magic to knock you out." Wanda states say sadly looking at the floor. We I guess I can't blame her.

"It's cool but why did you guys let That thing back near me?" I question feeling to my anger raising. I just want to rip that thing's head off and make it pay for doing this but it wouldn't help anyone.

"What are you talking about it locked inside that prison thing you build." Natasha say looking really confused and worried.

"Jarvis show them the video footage from about twenty minutes ago!" I say signaling my screen in my room to turn on.

"Yes sir." with that the video starts.

They watch in as shock the footage plays. When it finishes Natasha the first one to talk.

"Then he got out? But how?" She says in disbelief. her eyes look like she is trying to forgive out rocket science or something.

"No Ms.Romanova he is still in the prison and has never left." J.A.R.V.I.S states. My heart drops realizing there is two imposters.

"Jarvis is right there is two imposters!" I says fighting the feeling of totally and complete insanity. Staring at the footage being played side by side.

"Tony it's cool we got hit on the location a few minutes ago." Sam states like its no big deal.

"Then what the freak are we still doing hear, Natasha and Bruce go handle the second imposter and when your done we will leave I have to go grab something And the rest of you go get suited up." I say running out of the room.

Picture is from avenger assemble show

Hope you enjoyed it next chapter soon!!! AK thx for the 211 reads

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