Chapter 10: finding Hydra's base

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Tony's POV

We get on the avenge-jet and head for Antarctica. Why does this seem like Déjà vu? Its probably nothing.

"Tony you ok?" A voice says as a head is rested on my shoulder. I turn.

" yeah I am ok Bruce thanks for asking!" I say setting my hand on his. I know he cares about me.

"Tony you know we can all understand the pain your going through. We wouldn't judge you if you wanted to cry." He says sitting next to me on the floor.

"I know but I'm fine, I promise." At the same moment I realize I am not ok but I hold it in. I smile.

"Ok well you go get some sleep I will keep an eye on the jet." He smiles and motions to the beds.

"Nope I am not sleeping I am to busy think of horrific ways to make hydra pay for what they have done!" I say in angered tone. Not toward Bruce but at hydra.

"What ways have you come up with so far?" He questions giving me a devilish smile. God he is scary sometimes .

"We'll I was thinking maybe I take my hand to their throat and slam them threw A window and in to lake full of piranhas!" I say laughing causing Bruce to laugh. I wince. Bruce freaks out

"Are you ok?" Bruce says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah I think I just breathed in wrong or something." I smile reassuring him I am ok.

"Are you sure?" He questions.

"Yes I am fine Dr.banner!" I scream . Wait did I call him Dr.Banner? Oh shit why did I scream everyone is sleeping.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Bruce I'm just really worried." I say looking down at my lap. I fell so bad.

" it's ok but wait you called me Dr.Banner why?" he questions tilting his head slightly.

"It just slipped out, sorry! I am just totally losing it! I can't lose him! I can't..." I break down crying. Bruce quickly pulls me into a hug and rocks me back forth till I fall asleep.

Five hours later

I awake to Bruce shaking me lightly.

"Hey, hey , Tony were here!" Bruce says shaking me lightly just enough that I wake up and look up at him. I had fallen asleep on his lap.

"oh Man I am sorry about falling asleep on your lap." I say sitting up leaning against the wall. He gives me this weird look.

"it's all good" he says giving me a smile. Not a happy smile but fake smile like he is hiding something from me.

"Bruce what's wrong?" I say turning my body toward him. He turns his away from me.

"we got a transmission well you were asleep and it was cap well " I interrupt him "why didn't you wake me up?" I scream


"what are you talking about?" I say fighting urge to cry.

" he wasn't himself. It was like look at complete stranger. It was his body and his voice but not his thoughts" he looks down at the ground and tear falls splashes on the floor and he continues "he's gone tony am so sorry what ever they did to him I don't think we can fix it"

"what ever they did to him I can fix it. Hydra is stupid compared you me and you." I say trying to help him realize we can fix whatever it is. I know we can fix it.

"I know " he looks up at me. Smiles evilly. " I am gonna hulk out and kill ever single Hydra soldier!"

I nod and leave it at that.

"now let's get in to the base" I say walking over and turning off J.A.R.V.I.S and taking the controls again.

hope you enjoyed chapter 10 love you guys and I fudged up my knee bad but that means lots more writing on the weekends


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