Chapter 6: Thats not cap

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Tony's POV

A week later

Today is going great me and Steve have been hanging out all day. We went shopping and I got cap some new CDs and Movies. We went to go see the new fast and furious, furious 7. Omg best moment of my life when see you again by Wiz khalifa feat. Charle Puth started. I sing all Charlie Puth's parts and Steve freaking rapped to Wiz Khalifa's parts.

I stopped singing to only look over and see that Steve starting smiling really big and then the instant wiz khalifa started rapping so did Steve I was in shock.

When Steve stopped I started up but right before I did I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks turn bright red. Then I started singing again.

After I stop Steve started up and Once again Steve knew all the words. I am still in shock. Is he trying to impress me? Cause it's totally working.

I sung and stopped Again he is totally impressing me. we finish the song singing together. he actually sings really good.

After the song ends we get up and walk out of theater. I kiss him and I run to the bathroom. Steve meets me in the car.

In the car.

"So I loved the movie, how about you Steve?" I questioned noticing that his cheeks were still a light red color.

"Yes I loved it is was so cute, did you have fun when we were singing?" He says giggling a little.

"Yeah but quick question?" I say turning to look at him thank god we were at a red light.

"Yes?" He says sadness appearing in his eyes. I wonder why? I wonder if he is worried that I didn't have or fun or that I wasn't impressed or something.

"Did you learn the rap part just to impress me?" I say smiling. oh my gosh he is blushing again. he is so cute.

"Maybe" he stops and look out the window I turn facing forward and start driving. then he begins again. "well I guess it didn't work then cause I mean it takes a lot to impress such a handsome genius like you." The instant he realizes I heard him moves his face even further out of my view.

When we arrived at the tower.

" Steve I guess you know I heard what you said right?" I say nudging his shoulder a little.

"Yeah I am sorry about that I just was speaking my mind and I guess I shouldn't have said anything." he says still staring at the floor as we walked out of my garage.

I stop him by putting my hand on his shoulder and make him turn around.

"Steve you can always tell me exactly what your thinking. Please don't be shy around me no matter where we are or what we're doing! I promise I won't hate you or be upset because I love you you!" I say smiling and look right at him.

"Aww I love you too , Tony! So did it impress you?" He asks smiling devilishly at me.

"Are you kidding me , yes of corse I was so shocked and impressed why do you think leaned over and kissed you on the cheek?" I say acting like it was obvious or something.

"I didn't know cause you felt like it." he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah that too" I say putting my arms around his neck. he puts his arms around my waist.

"What else do you have planned for us today, Stark?" He asks making me laugh at him calling me Stark.

"Ok first of all we got to come up with something else to call me in instead of stark it's kinda weird!" I say making both of us laugh.

"Oh yeah and what's that?" He questions smirking.

"How about ... handsome genius boyfriend?" I say knowing how stupid I sound.

"That's never gonna go away is it?" He questions knowing that it will haunt him till he dies.

"Nope" I say. we still haven't moved. I still have my arms around his neck and his arms are still sung around my waist.

"Well so what do you really want me to call you? be honest I will call you want ever you want." he says smiling so big it's adorable.

"How about babe I have never had an actually relationship so if you cool with that?" I say almost ashamed.

"Of course, babe. Now what do you have planned for us today?" He says blushing.

"Well I have a surprise for you in my lab. if you want to go see it?" I ask hoping he doesn't say no.

"Of course babe but first.." with that he leans down to kiss me.

When his lips touch mine I pull my lips off of his instantly and I shove him as I step backwards. The kiss was cold and almost metal like. that's not cap that's not my cap. omg what the fudge is going on? where is the real cap? Who is that pretending to the man i love? And how can it copy him so well?

What? No not cap! I really don't know
How I came up with this but it's crazy insane it made me want to die writing it but hopefully next chapter they figure out what happened! Lol hope you enjoyed.

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