Number (658)

778 77 8

Liam's Pov

Strolling around trying to find groceries for the house and also stuff for the baby I was completely lost . Deciding to ask for help I saw this lady at the pharmacy section
"Excuse me miss do you by any chance know whereI can fi.... I was dumbfounded when I saw that it was madam miserable from the last night
Aye pussy no badda embarrass we inuh
I won't
Hello beautiful I said to her
Um hi... she responded with the cutest smile I've ever seen.. what did you want to ask me? she said

I wanted to ask where the baby formula was , but now me mind change and I was wondering if I could get your number . I asked her as kind as I could

"Um sir I don't know u that well enough, and u make me food dash weh last night mr man". She said with a slight attitude.

Bet dah attitude deh get fuck out watch

Well miss....?? I asked querying for her name
Zora.. she said slightly unsure

Well miss Zora I'm very sorry for bumping into you, and I will gladly buy back you food over dinner tomorrow that okay with u miss zora?

Alia's POV

Girl him just ask we out!!!
Girllll Ansa nuh

"Uhhh sure , but give me your number , don't really like giving out my numbers to strangers" . I said

"Okay sure" he said
(658) 367-8763 I quickly typed in the number and save him as Make we see😏❤️

Thinking that I was a bit rude earlier and last night I asked him something
"Do u want me to help you around, I come here often" I said
"Absolutely miss Zora "... he said and I chuckled

We continued walking and talking
He told me that the baby was his sister , I told him I lived with my mom and brothers and it was just a small light airy conversation... call me crazy but it just felt right....

We got to the counter and cashed out the items together.....I was shocked at first and was about to stop him but then he payed for all 158 thousand dollar worth of groceries ...

Aye he got money ! Dang
Getting a little upset I said to him" I didn't need you to do that I have my own money you know"

"Ik I see the bmw key on your hand bag" he said

"How you know Anuh me man car sir?" I said

And I swear I saw him clench and swiftly hid it. I giggled a bit and he started to smile.

" your man shall be out of your life very soon if that was the case, however it isn't because you wouldn't have take my number. Thus I suggest u text me before my number gets cob webs understood?" He said very direct and precise

I swallowed and me nah lie.. me get horny.. I think he sensed it cause he started to smile and helping the man packed the bags

" well mr... I didn't catch your name "? I asked him

"Husband... my name is your husband " he told me
Girlllllllll we want him

"Tell me your name sir" I asked blushing like a little kid. My name is Liam , Zora... Liam Easton " he said Okay Mr Liam

I helped him pack the bags in his car and then he helped me...
I got in my car and said bye to his baby sister
And then to him

Before I drove out I shouted
" Alia... my name is Alia , Liam" I honked him and drove out the supermarket parking lot . Smiling and blushing and a giggle like crazy... hey who coulda tell me seh this boy ago be the death of me??

End of chapter

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