The Trap

334 40 29

Somewhere Dark and moldy
Next day
Alia's POV

I watched as he removed the bucket from the room.

The warmness of my pee stained my pants. I guess this baby was sitting on my bladder already.

The smell of decay and old rust infiltrated my nostrils. I felt the need to throw up once more.

Wiggling a bit to my left I emptied my empty stomach that was filled with water and saliva.

I was weak, my hands were bounded behind a wooden chair, my legs were tied ever so tightly with chains.

I had to keep strong I need to be strong

For our baby

The thought of never seeing my child, not going to his/hers first doctors appointment, first steps, first birthday, first parent teacher meeting

Wonder weh me woulda wear? Maybe the pink blazer an-

Yuh see which part we deh and yah plan fi rass clothes!!! Humble yuh self subby

Noted noted

I observed my surroundings for the millionth time.

The simple yet small beem of moonlight that shined through the bricked walls. The little cockroach family that peeks out their head every 10 seconds.

Them cute don't?

They're ROACHES!!!!

Turning my head to the left of the room I saw stained blood, loose teeth on the ground and I'm pretty sure I saw a finger! Thumb to.

" weh me get me self inah though God? Why me never tan a me yard why me never see the Bwoii and nuh see the bowii ?" I mumbled laughing hysterically

I heard as the so call guard that was assigned at my door Masterbate for the 15th time from I've been here. The sound that came from whatever he was watching made sure to tell me that is a gay porn him a watch.

Nuh Oman moan me nuh hear!!!

All fi him cocky Mussi shrivel up and small

Talk truth

Any man weh back dem fist often make dem cocky loose it strength and durability.


I chuckled at my subconscious wondering if I should mouth these intrusive thoughts.

" yuh get sumu fi laugh bout big mouth gyal" I heard the Jamaica's number one back fist champion ask

" no inuh just a wonder if the rest a the guard dem know seh u wah suck out them batty ole a night time" I said laughing

He flew up angrily marching towards me.

I showed no remorse to the statement that was made.

I held my own and prepared for the worse. I closed my eyes and accepted the beaten

I waited for him to do what he wanted but I realized I was waiting to long.

Open yuh eye dem girl

I slowly opened my eyes to watch through the door that was half way open as he stood there arguing with a man.

" but boss the gyal disrespect me a make me bax har dung please" he pleaded with the man

I didn't hear what the other man said but the backfister walked away mumbling profanities.

I saw the dark shadow of a man slowly approaching the slightly shut door.

As he came closer to me I realized that it was the guy that was at my car.

Weh him name again

Hines Bredda dawggggggg!!!!!!

Mark yeah to rass

Then what a hell when Liam find out seh him right hand man Bredda kidnap him baby mada


Den u chirppy e subby

Bwoii it nuh kick in yet seh we get kidnap wait man

" hi there beautiful lady" mark said looking down at me smiling

I didn't respond which caused him to chuckle.

" I'm assuming your hungry, did the man outside give you something to eat?" He asked

" dat deh shithouse deh never give me nothing, only water and a Devon house biscuit ere day like seh a sponsor him wah turn me inah" I said emaphazing on the last part

" shithouse like yuh mada big o-" he stopped as mark shot him a death glare

" I'm so sorry fi his behavior Ms Alia, what would you like to eat?" He asked

Not sure if I should respond cause he could poison me.
But then again if him did wah poison me him wouldn't kidnap me especially cause him wah get to Liam.

Might as well cause the baby hungry

" I'd like a shrimp with double cheese patty 9 peice nuggets and fries big bottle of water to please" I said all in one breath

" how about 2 piece a chicken bread and the water? Yuh feel a hotel yuh deh?"he asked cocking his head to the side and looking at me in disbelief

I hung my head low as the realization started hitting.

Me wah go home, to my man, my brothers, my mom oh God mommy!!

" will get you the food by the end of the day by then you should sit back, relax oh and I have a surprise for you" he said smiling cheakly like a little bitch

" what kind of surprise?" I asked him confused

" your ediot man thought it best to threaten me so I made sure to set a trap for him and his little gang to get very much fucked up soon to. Will let you watch to okay there are cameras in the house" he said smiling

My heart started beating faster, it's a trap
Dear God him ago kill Liam.

" weh him do to yuh? Why yuh so fucking corrupt eee ?? A so Hines stay to ?? A the two a unuh involve Ina diss?" I asked now crying

" no inuh this is all me and thank you I think corrupt fits me well. My brother blindly left our family our home to come work for your fucked up boyfriend. He took my brother from me. So many things have happened since then because a that pussyole yuh call boyfriend and him ago regret it. Soon and very soon" he said smiling at the last part

" if you hurt him I swear to God I will shoot you in every ligament and bone in your body and water board you in acid yere" I told him

" you sound exactly like your man you know that? Nuh worry you'll die with him soon" he said evily

" guh suck yuh gyal" I shouted and spat at his shoe

Before I knew it a hard slap connected to my jaw. My vision got blurry and I started to hear a ringing in my ear.

" have mannas gyal before yuh dead lef yuh man yere!" He shouted bending forward and spitting on me.

" dat yuh fi get long time Likkle bitch" the back fister  said

I slowly left my head and watched as he walked away.

" yah go regret that yere?" I shouted at him

" sure" he responded nonchalant

" make sure yuh give har 1 chicken instead a two, give har wah originally kfc leg wid the buiscuit" he said to the guard as they stood at the door

I watched as he glanced back at me one last time before they both exited the room  closing the door. leaving me in the cold dark room alone.

" lord please protect him please" I mumbled crying letting it all out

I can't loose him.

End of Chapter
I love you all so much
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