That Day

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That day i was sat on the concrete tears cascading out of my eyes onto the cold ground, the high street was deserted, my face had been punched and my ankle twisted. i couldent move, i was cold and bleeding. it started raining heavily as the dark clouds decended. i saw a boy running toward me with a bright blue umbrella he looked worried and scared. next thing i knew he was at my side holding the umberella above my head sheltering me from the heavy rain "OH My are you ok" he spoke with more than a hint of worry in his voice, he blurred in and out of focus in my head, i couldent hear him but i could feel him shaking me, i felt him pick me up and carry me running inside somewhere warm, he spoke again i was still bleeding but i squeezed his hand to let him know i was still alive, he squeezed back and then it all went black, like waking up in a dark room and having to touch your eyelids to check they arent closed.

i woke to the smell of fresh laundry and soft pillows, a warm hand clasped mine as i opened my eyes. "oh god thank god you are ok" i felt groggy like having a really bad hangover. i managed to whisper "what happened", well he explained "i was walking when it started raining, the street was deserted when i spotted a girl on the floor surrounded by broken glass and blood, i was scared she was dead but she saw me and squeezed my hand, i brought her back here" he gestured to the room around me the walls covered with amazing cartoons, the carpet black and covered with white spots. "thankyou, whats your name hero" i spoke with a hint of sarcasm. he spoke softly in a soothing voice "im pj, nice too meet you, and may i ask your name damsel in distress". i knew my name i was sure i did "its.. umm, cassie short for cassandra". "that is a pretty freaking cool name" he said happy that i was responding and he dident have a dead girl on his hands.

He lent in and gave me a kiss on the forehead brushing my coconut white hair behind my ear, "now get some sleep" he said softly into my ear, "can you stay" i asked as my voice cracked with dryness. he pulled out a guitar from under the bed "i can play you a song to get you to sleep" he smiled so softly at me it made my insides melt. he played a song and i drifted off into a harmonious sleep

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