the fans

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cassies pov

i was out walking in the park on my own, when i saw a group of girls approaching me. pj had been putting photos of us together on instgram and freely showing his affection for me. fear struck into my heart when the girls that were advancing toward me flicked razor blades the silver flashing when it caught in the summer sun. my world went into slow motion as i turned on the balls of my feet and sprinted away from the girls "fans" the words caught in my throught "they are coming to get you cassandra and soon you wont be able to run".

when i reached the apartment i was spluttering as i crumpled up into a heap on the floor suffocating from lack of oxygen. i reached up with one limp hand and pressed the buzzer pjs melodic tone asked who i was and i let out a blood curdling scream, suddenly next to me was a mess of brown hair and green eyes stroking my cheek and tucking me into his arms he carried me upstairs into the flat. i was still having a panic attack. he sat me on his lap rocking me back and forth till the tears stopped streaming out of my eyes and i stopped shaking. he turned me so i was inches from his face, he weaved this fingers into my matted hair and stared deep into my eyes and said " cassie, who was there what did they do". a tear ran down my cheek and he wiped it away before it reached my chin, "". his eyes fell and a look of sadness rippled across his face "" "they were going to hurt me pj, kill me" "just because i love you".

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