A New Day

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Cassie's POV

we had to get out of here they were coming and i could feel it, they were decending on us i looked over at my saviour, kissed his head for the final time before i got up and gathered a few of my clothes and my phone, i left a message on the kitchen table explaining that i would be back but i needed to get outside and that he could ring me if he wanted too. and with that i left wallet in hand i jumped in a taxi and said the only words i thought i would never say "heathrow airport please" and with that the taxi spead away as i left me perfect life behind, and if pj wanted to find me he would have to leave it behind too.

im such a mean person

umm if you want this story to continue please say because i feel like i dont know weather people like it or not, umm and if you like fan fics i have a couple on the go atm so please go check those out :)

see ya guys

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