Left The Land Of Dreams

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Pj's Pov

soon after cassie had left the land of dreams she went shopping for some clothes. i dident mind she was using my money i had plenty anyway. she knew nothing of youtube and had never seen me or any of my friends before so we knew she was not a crazed fan girl. i was slowly teetering on the edge of the abbyss if i fell i was going to fall in love with her if i stayed on land she would be my friend. i dident know or mind which she was all that mattered was that she was safe and with me.

cassie soon came back she had been out for 3 hours when she walked back in and ran up behind me dropping her bags and wrapping her arms around my waist. i turned to face her and kissed her on the cheek, she blushed, she always did. i looked behind her at the mountin of bags that she had dropped. "only the essentials" she said sarcastically when she saw me gawping at how much she had bought. i had only given her £75. and yet she had 3 huge bags and 4 little bags. we had figured out together that she had just been kicked out of her flat the day she had gotten mugged andd she dident own anything.

i helped her carry her bags into *her* room and hang everything up. jees this girl was a thrifty shopper. once we were done i pulled a box out of my pocket and pulled her toward me. i handed her the box and smiled, she opened it carefully and inside the soft padding their was a chain link braclet with 4 charms an umberella, a plaster, some pancakes and a little house. "what does it mean" she looked at me questionigly as i clicked it onto her wrist. "well" i explained "the blue umberella is from the day i saved you, the plaster shows your recovory, the pancakes show the day you met my friends and the house shows the day you moved in with me" i smiled at her confused face. "but i havent mo..." i kissed her solidly on the lips and whispered in her ear "cassie will you move in with me" she screamed and jumped on me covering me with kisses. "of course i will" she said whilst hugging me tightly. "do you want to add to the wall of life then" i indicated to the wall covered with cartoons. "sure but i cant draw as well as you" she smiled sheepishly. we spent that afternoon drawing on the wall and on each other. when the front door clicked open and three voices chorused "PJ, CASIEE..... YOU HERE". we walked down the corridor holding hands. they all awwwwed at the same time and cassie blushed. i went to make some tea as cassie, chris, dan and phil went and sat on the sofa.

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