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Cassies pov

it had been a couple of weeks, i heared different male voices come and go some talked to me some dident at-east i knew i wasent alone. i awoke and turned to my left to see a boy with black hair he was asleap slumped over in his chair. i coughed and reached for the glass of water i was so thirsty i gulped down the water and leant over and touched the boys shoulder he groaned so i poked him a bit harder and he opened his eyes slowly to see me staring into them. "hello there" he said as if speaking to a young child, "umm, not to be rude but who are you" i asked, he answerd with "oh yeah, hi im phil pj's friend he just went out to grab some stuff from the shops" closely after he had finished the front door closed and a voice like melted butter sang "phil im back has she..." he walked in on me sat up in bed wide open eyes before he could finish his sentence.

he ran over and enveloped me in a warm hug "hell and welcome back to real life cassie" he smiled down at me into my hazel eyes and i stared up into his milky green ones. shortly after pj helped me get up and walk, i stumbled a couple of times but he was there to catch me. i was wearing a white tank top and blue shorts "where did you.. get these" i asked him pointing to the clothes. oh umm "i went out and bought them for you, my clothes were 10 sizes too big and you couldent get comfortable in your clothes, oh jeez dont worry i dident take off anymore than i needed too" he looked at me innocently and smiled "well thankyou for preserving my dignity" i curtsyed toward him and then gave him a big hug.

phil called from the kitchen "who is ready for freaking delia smith pankaces" me and pj both yelled "MEE MEEE" and he helped me walk into the lounge and sit comfortably on the sofa. i gazed out of the windows at the sprawling cityscape below. "how high are we, pj" i asked. "25th floor of a sky tower" he answered handing me a plate of steaming hot pancakes. "its so high" i said stupidly "i know" he called as he sat down next to me.

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