Chapter 3: Sages Say That Faith Is Blind

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Second Person POV

You ran through Darkwood, your [F/W] in each of your hands. You were reaching the area where that Lamb was reusing Leshy's sacrificial grounds, looking to find yourself a follower or two.

You suddenly stopped in your tracks, sensing someone was near by. ([Y/N] has spidey-senses lmao 💀) You peeked out from behind a tree, and sure enough, a small group of... Dissenters?

You expected to save a sacrifice, but a group of dissenters was fine too, just a little harder to convince.

You put your weapons away and walked out from behind the tree. The dissenters pointed their signs and megaphones at you, looking rather livid.

"Fear not, dear dissenters," You said, trying your best to imitate a "godly" tone. "You were correct in your transgressions towards the Lamb, I am your true god." You said with your hands extended outwards.

"Oh yea? How do we know you ain't lyin'?" The horse dissenter asked with a New York accent.

"I am [Y/N], a daughter of the Old Faith. My family has fell but we can all rise to glory with my leadership and your support." You said as you clasped your top and bottom hands together respectively.

The cat dissenter gasped "I knew it! I knew the Old Faith would rise again!" She said, falling down to her knees in worship.

The horse and fox dissenters bowed down as well.

"I- I'm really sorry for doubting you Great One, I didn't recognize ya!" Your now follower said, in apology.

You motioned for them to stand. "All is forgiven. Come with me, so we may start our cult and begin the revival of the Old Faith." You turned to walk back to your cult, your new followers walking close behind.

Back at the Cult

You turned to your followers after you reached the field with nothing but a single purple tent.

"I apologize children, I'm not too far along in decorating my cult, however I will make you all tents right away." While you walked to make a tent for your followers from web, they stared in awe that you'd just called them your children.

You sent your cat follower Hera to go round up some wood for a fire, you sent your fox follower Apollo to go fetch some stones and the cauldron, and you sent off your horse follower Homer to fetch berries for a sort of berry soup.

Once everything was finished and brought together, you started the fire and started cooking. Hera, Apollo, and Homer all stay around the fire, chatting happily.

You soon made each of them a bowl and handed it to them.

Despite how put-together you were on the outside, you were still thinking about that happened to your Father. There was ichor everywhere, their head absolutely mutilated. You decided to sit and talk with your followers to get your mind off things.

Once everyone was finished eating their soup, you sent them off to their tents to rest. You even told Ratau about how you made him a tent as well. He thanked you greatly and went to go sleep in his tent you'd made outside of your cult.

You went to your tent as well, turning off your lantern and slowly drifting off to sleep.

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