Chapter 11: The Bittersweet End

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Second Person POV

This was the final straw. First your family, then your children, and now your daughter.

You didn't care at this point. You hid Hestir in the Afterlife this time with a Godly Dagger, and you went off to find that Lamb.

You didn't care if you'd die trying to kill the lamb, you told your crown that if you died, it would travel to the afterlife and place itself upon Hestir's head.

You walked through Darkwood until you got to the Lamb's cult. Their followers coward in fear of your presence.

You've never used it before, but just like your relatives, you had an Eldritch form as well. You've just never used it.

Though you didn't need a sacrificial circle to obtain this form, you've already had more than enough lives fall before you.

The Lamb walked out of their small temple, their stare still blank.

You had no hesitation as you started the transformation ritual yourself.

A minute later, you now stood high above the Lamb in your terrifying form. You resembled your Father almost completely, you had black fur, different eye placement, and actual hands instead of just a leg where your hands would be. Your second set of hands was however moved to your arachnid lower half.

The Lamb pulled out his sword and the battle begun.

You threw attacks similar to your Father's as well, except you threw them mercilessly, and in greater quantities.

Eventually, it was too much for the Lamb to take, and their body was split open just as your family's were.

And there it was. The beating heart of a heretic.

You untransformed, extremely exhausted, and grabbed the Lamb's beating heart.

All of the Lamb's followers bowed before you, saying things about following you faithfully if you spare them.

You did indeed bring them all back to your cult, and also retrieving Hestir from the Afterlife.

Now, you were the only god left.

There were no heretics left to slay.

Everything was okay until the end of time.

The End.

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