Part 7

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I didn't know if I wanted to pass out right there. It..looked beautiful. Which made me more sick. Wondering how such a beautiful place could be so evil.. I wonder around. The trees and Grass so blue and gentle.
"Where is -" My Phone Rang. It freaked me out. I was surprised at who called, "Hey!" It was Derwin.
"Hey, how's everything?" He saids
I felt like screaming. Then I hear the phone being taken away "h-hey!"
"Hunter! Raine is wondering where you are!" Amber spoke.
Once again I felt Like My being would scream..we forgot to tell Them.. And I realized I skipped Violin practice with Raine..
"It's fine if you are. They are out just getting some snake Oil-"
"Why would they- never mind" I say. "Look it really is a -
"Hey Hunter!"
"Hey!" I hear Kayta Push Amber "Give my phone! Stopp!" I hear Derwin in the back. "Yo! My golden man, how have you been?"
I felt like panicking. Screaming. I didn't know what to tell them.
"I- I- I-"
"...Hunter?" She asked.
I began to laugh. "Oh you know! Just walking and about to snatch Back my Library book from Tibbles- Ahaha he-"
"Hunter..Tibbles is across the street."
I felt my pulse drop.
"Hunter that was werid" She tells en. "What's going on?" I hear Amber say. "Can I have my phone back?!" Derwin saids.
"I- I-"
How was I suppose to Tell them "oh yeah just trapped in another realm"
"I know what's happening.." Muttered Kayta. "You do?!" I Say, Shocked but relie ses. I Didn't need to tell-
"You're at the book sponsor you signed up for In Hexside!" She cheered. I phewed. Yet it still felt weird for not being the truth. I was barley just going to Hexside
"Yeah Yeah I-" I was about to say.
"Oh wait! There's a preempting Poster. It's saids not until ..Next week"
I literally Just screamed at that point. "AHHH-"
I held in a sob.
"Hunter?..Where are you? What is happening?"
I sniff. "Look I'm not sure what you guys would think-"
"Think what?
I realized something. "Wait this thing has been on.." I say. I realized magic worked in this Realm.
"Um Yeah." Kayta added. "Why did you scream? Hunter we could go pick you up-"
"I'm not sure..But Ok Look-
Then something shocked my ear. "Ow!" I dropped it.
My phone Exploded.
"Oh Titan" I went dark. Then I heard something rattling in the distance. "Eek!" I ran the opposite way. I took things out of my bag and covered my ears.
I teleported on a Tree. "What the heck was- woah.."
And I saw the Gorgeous City. Shiny Orange large waterfall..It looked nothing like it's counterpart.
"Owah..Delilah..and her friends were here?" I whispered.
I screamed. Falling off the tree.
"Oh sorry!" I saw the girl flip over from the Vine.
"Ah! What The-"
"What we're you doing in the tree?!" I screamed.
"I was gonna see the same for you!" She chuckled.
"Look I!-" Then I saw her closers she had adores wheel for a face. I felt like fainting.
"Heh, yeah I get it. My sisters always try to scare me" she Shrugged. "The name is Momi! What's you're-
She began to help me up.
"You're a
"You're a witch," she saids.
I covered me ears "Ee- Are you a-
"Why is everyone thinking I'm a demon? No! I'm a angel."
"Right right. I-" I wasn't sure if I should Jump off the nearby cliff. Or just test to see if she is telling the truth.
" seem familiar.."
"I do-" I was about to say.
"Momi! Sad wasn't a us back now!" I hear another girl's voice.
"You have a father?" I say, Like I'm dumb.
"Tch, yeah. Kokabiel."
I caught myself giggling. She frowned.
"You angels have silly names" I say.
"Hey what's happening!" I saw a taller girl come.
"Esmeray! Uh what's your name?" Momi asked me. "I'm Hunter" I dusted myself.
"Nice to meet you!" Esmeray Tells me.
"Hey!" Another girl greeted me. Momi moved out of the way "Hope my system didn't push you off the tree" she shucked.
"Hey!" Momi protested.
"I'm Angelika."
"Uh nice to meet you all. Really I have to-"
"Right- Say wait. What's with the head covering?" Celeste asked me.
"You?" She smiled. I was getting intimidated at this point.
"Uh..say any places I can find to um..You know Sit?" I asked
"Sit? Sure there's a dinner just a couple of blocks from here!" Pointed Angelika.
"Right" I nervously smile. "What were you guys doing here all alone?"
"Dad and Mom were busy. We wanted to chaude mischief. I mean- hehe, he wanted to see if we can find a friend"
We all started to walk together. "A friend?" I asked.
"Yeah! We wanted to invite our uh totally angel Friend Delilah" Saids Esme.
I felt like I snapped in half when I heard that.
"You know who the What now?"
"Delilah De meth. She sometimes visits! Everyone has been talking about how she is the hee Queen of Jerusalem and saved our realm. She contrived helps to the poor and those in need everyday" Momi tells me.
"Right..Right" I Muttered.
"What's happening?" Asked Angelika.
"I - do you know anything about Uh a Demoness?"
"Demoness? There are multiple-"
My face went pale, "Multiple?"
"Oh heck yeah. I can name a few. Not friendly. The seven ones who enslaved us before the Dog angels took under control..Actually disappeared."
I felt so icky. Yikes. Enslaved was too much of a strong word..
"Why did they disappear?" I asked.
"We aren't actually sure" Momi struggled.
"All we know is One demon from the seven wanted to leave her sisters. All after a prophecy was made."
"Prophecy?" I gasped. "What's the prophecy?"
"Weren't not sure. All that's known is there was a chosen one. That one Demoness went in search of whoever that was." Esme saids.
Then their phone began to ring.
"Oh um..we need to go. Dad is overprotective." Esmeray scratched her head.
"No! How? is there anyway to know-"
I Realized I need to look for demon envy.
"Why would you want to find-" Momi got confused then their phones buzzed more.
"Bye!" All of the girls say. Then disappeared.
"Hunter you're insane.." I tell myself.
I looked over..The trees/portals were there...
"But yes. You're going"

Hunter of Humanity and ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now