Part 11

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"YO'RE RUNNING IN THOSE?!" I screamed to Raelle.
"They're fine!" She shouts. All the angels were doing why they can to try to Take down Rabados. But he was too powerful.
"You fools" He growled. "I grow in my strength. The Demoness as sent me For Caleb Wittebane. Him"
"Called it" I breathed. Raelle tossed her heal to his eye
Like fresh or it came back to her. She placed it back on.
"Where's your Angel that frustrates you?!" She demanded.
The Dog laughed and He tried to attack again. But Bazazeth stepped in the way to defend us. Pushing I'm to a tree. "Grrr"
"Raelle" He coughed, "Angels..They can die too..."
"No.." Raelle Eyes widened.
"Yes..My child. I was sent hanging over the Pot from the great Briareus..That was his last time of his existence.." he Evilly chuckled.
Raelle Took both of her heels off. In a fit of rage she tossed both of them.
"OW! Enough With Your Shoes!" He snarled.
I guess I looked at her like she was insane.
"What?" She asked, "They're blessed-"
And then the Dog tried Jumping on us another time. Raelle and I dogged out of the way by jumping the opposite ways.
The Dog growled then chuckled as he looked to me.
"HUNTER!" Raelle Cried. She tossed a wooden Crucifix to it.
"GAHH" He screamed when it stabbed him.
Even though I saw the evil and no humanity in his eyes..I had to admit that looked painful. "Move!" Bazazeth grabbed me. I fled. Meeting up with Raelle. The two of Us panted.
"That should keep him busy for a moment" She tells me.
"OK OK! I get this How do we-" I flabbergasted.
Bazaeth dusted himself, "You Must fight Now Hunter"
"What?! Oh heck no!"
"Why not, you know how to fight better than Raelle. You trained more didnt you not?" The Angel saids.
He was right.
"Here" The Angel Snapped his Fingers. A small box appeared in his hands.
"Oh You sly angel" chuckled Raelle.
"Hunter" Raelle grinned, "take this" she handed her weapons to me. "Let's see how well you fight devils. Your Demoness, she may just get a hint to how great you really are."
"What I! -oh-.." I knew what she meant"
The Dog Growled. Ready to attack.
Bazazeth played the music.
"What's this?" I say. Surprisingly it sounded nice.
"You seriously don't know" Smoke on the water" by Deep Purple?" Bazazeth looked at me like I'm super oblivious.
"Oh OHHH!" I Remembered the song. I really loved it when I heard it when I was spending time in Camilla's house.
"Go Devil Hunter" Raelle Snapped her finger.
Rabados Licked his teeth, "I'll tear your flesh piece by piece. Bring it on!" His voice echoed.
"You asked for it" I narrowed my eyes.
The two of Us chafed Eachother. I attacked using the sword With incantations and It almost got himz the Dog used it's claws to scratch me in the face. But it didn't happen. For a moment I thought I saw Bazazeth dancing to the song. Raelle gave him the single that meant "Ok Yeah" And she joined in. Used just a large necklace to try to yank him and kick him. Flipping her way as I took the hard punches. The rest of the angels all formed their ways their fire guns and Swords all being sliced to the demon or Knocked from the grip as we wrestled with the Dog. He thwacked Raelle, making the music stop,
And He used his tail to whack me in the opposite direction.
Bazazeth was even tossed by his wings caught him.
"We need the Bowl!"
He shouted.
I realized that the Incantation bowl was attached to the sword. I plucked it and It grew to a normal size.
The Hellhound maliciously laughed as it tried to Stomp on me, right before I teleported.
Raelle and Bazazeth were so taken off by this. Everyone was, including the demon.
I charged "ahh!" And I smash the bowl to his mouth.
The Dog got his mouth Tied. "HMM"
He tried taking it off and that's when all the angels knocked him down. He growled. He didn't care and only came for me. I used the sword and he Strikes it back. Kicking him with my teleportation powers as well.
"MMM-" He growled on the floor. Aggressively trying to break his mouth free.
He was now caught entirely.
"Take him to the temple," Bazazeth informed.
"How did you-" He looked at me. I breathed. "Heh" I shrugged. "Actually. I'm more impressed than surprised" he truthfully shrugged.
Raelle came running.
"Did you?-" She took her breath. "Did-"
"Yeah. I did..Magic..Yay!" I awkwardly told her.
"....that..." she said, "Was awesome"
Funny enough we gave each other high fives.
I went up to the Dog.
"Well take him to the temple" I say.
He growled.
"...He'll tell us we're To find The Demoness he works for. Find some way so he is still under our control. "
"What then?" Asked Bazazeth.
I looked at him. Rage filled his eyes, "I can't wait once you are hanged or burnt in Fire, witch!" he retorted.
I decided to yank the Crucifix from his skin.
Making him screech under the bidding.
"We'll either decide to follow him to her-"
"I don't know where she is anymore hehe" He chuckled. "She'll Destroy you after this. You don't dare mess around with her" I took that into account.
"Or go with the easy option.. Well have him sniff her out for us. Send a message so she knows"

Hunter of Humanity and ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now