Chapter 35: A Happy Ending

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Jacqie had prepared everything. She had brought some of her stuffs such as her clothes, books, and other things to Seb's house in Switzerland and she had also taken care of the change of her nationality. She would officially become a German.

She also gathered with all of her college classmates to do a little farewell party before she moved to Switzerland. All of them looked sad as they couldn't meet each other as easy as before. But they fully supported her decision to marry Seb.

They were also sad because they couldn't come to her wedding party. It was because Switzerland was very far from Indonesia, and they couldn't leave their respective jobs at their offices.

Since Friday morning, Jacqie and her family had been in Switzerland. In the afternoon on that day, she tried her bridal gown. Seb also tried his wedding suit.


Jacqie sat down alone in one of the rooms of Seb's house. On the following day, she would officially be Seb's wife. She realized that she had to be ready physically and mentally to face it.

A few minutes later, someone knocked the door. When she opened it, there was her mother. So, she asked her to come into the room.

"Jacqie, what are you doing here? All of us are having conversation at the living room."

"I'm just sitting, mom."

Martha then sat down next to her on bed. "Jacqie, I know what you are feeling right now. Because I felt the same, the day before I got married with your father."

"Mom, are you sure if Seb can make me happy?" she asked her.

She frowned. "Jacqie, why do you suddenly ask me that?"

"I just need your opinion, as his future mother-in-law."

Martha stroked her daughter's hair softly. "Jacqie, we've known him for some years now. He's a very nice man. He's so humble and he cares a lot of you. Do you remember what I said when you told me that you were invited by Seb for having dinner in Australia?"

"Hmm, I forget, mom. That was far back, as it was our first ever dinner together."

"I said that I would be very happy if I have him as my son-in-law. And tomorrow, it becomes a reality."

"Mom, I'm very happy that you really trust him. Thanks for always supporting me on everything."

"That's my duty as your mother. But remember, when you've married with him, don't you ever change. I mean, everyone knows that he is a rich and famous person. You should still stay as you are," she warned her.

"Of course, mom, I promise that I will never change."

"And don't forget to always get in touch with your friends in Indonesia."

She smiled. "I'm so grateful that there are many kind of social media platforms nowadays. So, I can communicate with them easier."

"Yes, that's right."

"Mom, please hug me."

Jacqie started hugging her mother so tight. As she was a sensitive person, she felt her tears dropping from her beautiful brown eyes.

On the following day, she would live a new life with Seb. In the future, after she officially became his wife, she surely needed to ask for his approval every time she wanted to do something or needed to go somewhere.

She wasted a couple of minutes, just to talk with Martha. She got married with Sebastiaan for more than 20 years, so she surely had so many experiences on her marriage. And that was what Jacqie needed. She needed to hear everything from her so she could learn from that.

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