❀*̥˚ Chapter One; First Day

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It was my first day at Barden university, a university that my own brother goes too- one of my dreams is too sing and write music, and so I thought my best bet is to join the Barden Bellas the all female a Capella group, following in the footsteps of my brother by doing a Capella was actually quite exiting and knowing that the treblemakers would be performing at the orientation I was quite exited whiles walking into the hall. Finding a seat I'd sit down next to some unknown people. A blonde lady walked on the stage too talk fro a few moments soon after introducing the — too put it in her words 'treh blah makers' letting out a light laugh right before Jesse Swanson MY BIG BROTHER came on stage, announcing "Thank you thank you— we are the Treblemakers, im Jesse- and this is a Capella.." He said before bursting into song, quite a fine song choice if I do say so— During the performance I was basically swaying my head and harmonising with myself so nobody could hear, but just before the song ended someone in The Treblemakers caught my eye.. a nerdy looking guy.. I couldn't quite see from where I was seated but that was the least of my worries, I was too exited too audition for the Bellas!!. And after orientation I walked outside clutching my bag as I spotted my brother, Running up too him giddy with excitement from my first day "So The Treblemakers did well huh?" I said startling Jesse "oh Jesu— Y/N! You liked it?" Jesse said surprised giving me a quick hug "are you kidding I love you're guy's stuff, honestly I'm so excited to become a Bella- it's been one of my dreams since well— 2 years ago—" I said smiling like crazy "did I hear mention of dreams-? Hi Benjamin applebaum, at your service..- hello, I just have too say - you are so.. spirited- I just want too put you in a box and saw you in half—-" the nerdy— kind of cute guy from earlier said holding his hand out for a handshake which I took, my face looking confused towards the end of his statement "for magic— as a part of a trick.. he does magic haha—it's only weird if you don't embrace it, see you around!" Jesse said walking off with Benji giving me a slight wave-

.•*~3rd person~*•.
"Dude- that was my sister— also explain yourself" Jesse said turning his head too face Benjis, "I'll be honest I completely blacked ou— that was your sister—?" Benji trailed off—

Auditions had been a slight bummer since the Bellas weren't there.. I wonder why— er— well anyways I was now on my way too the Bellas sorority house— too personally audition for them.. walking up the gravel pathway too the house I'd knock on the door— shortly after it opened and it was fat Amy who had opened the door "sorry my boobs are all weird I was just jumping—" Amy said adjusting her boobs slightly "o- oh that's fine— I was just wondering—-" I started getting cut off before I could even finish my sentence "sorry we can't take any new members" Fat Amy said throwing the door closed - just as the door was about to hit the lock I put my hand out to catch it "W - Wait! I- please just let me audition— I don't mind if you don't take me I-" still holding the door Cynthia-rose let me in — "sorry.. sorry— it's just being a Bella has been a small— okay huge dream of mine since I saw you guys 2 years ago—" I said to everyone— walking into the main living room "hm... it has?" Chloe asked walking over to me. Clutching my bag slightly I'd respond "yes... and if you'd just let me audition—?" I'd ask again , as Chloe would stand in thought she'd turn back to the Bellas whispering in earshot of me still "well- it's not like we're breaking any rules.. I mean she did come to us— so? I think we should let her in— just of course maybe not making super permanent arrangements since Becca isn't here right now—" as the rest of the girls would agree I'd still be standing patently waiting "alright we'll let you audition,," Chloe said turning back over to me, I nodded excitedly "thank you so much-" ——— soon after I started my audition with a short song I had been working on, writing lyrics wasn't the strongest thing I was in but I try really hard to make it work, but after the Bellas had a little huddle and eventually agreed upon me joining the Bellas "OH- oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you— so much!!" I'd thank them all my emotions of excitement would overwhelm me, "right well— now we're off too a Tiki party!!!" One of the girls yelled as everyone else followed "o- should I just leave my bag or—? Okay-.." I said getting left behind I'd throw my bag on the couch running outside to follow the girls ——— taking a short cut through the bushes the girls and I would push through nearly getting tangled. once finally inside the party we were greeted by Jesse aka my brother, ''SUP LADIES-- the drinks are over there''-- he said pointing towards a table that looked like it was about to fall over from the weight of alcohol-- ''and you know-- its a parrtyy'' he continued, I'm pretty sure he was slightly drunk- loud music blasting from the stereos that were bass boosted so much i could barely hear the actual song ''this isn't any old collage party its an acapella only party'' Fat Amy mentioned before running off ''o- oh. wow'' I muttered to myself, walking a few steps before bumping into someone nearly knocking me into the pool "OH—! Oh? .. Oh- sorry sorry" I blurted out "No- no no, it was my fault I'm so—... so, smm sor— mm," the person who had knocked me spoke up starting to stumble for words, and I turned over to look at who it was it was the nerdy looking guy from earlier today "oh— benji right?" I said smiling at him "yes— benji- that's me.. hm, I- phllnm hnfmns o-Oh those aren't words— wou-" he stuttered scrambling for words— it was actually quite cute "oh— hehe," I'd chuckle slightly at his fluster "well— would you like to get a drink with me..?" I asked slightly flustered myself — "o- oh... mm- I- sure-...!" Benji blurted, as we walked together through the crowd of random people I'd catch a glimpse of Jesse and his girlfriend AKA THE CAPTAIN OF THE BARDEN BELLAS!! But I decided to hold in my excitement and grab a drink with Benji, grabbing myself vodka with cranberry juice and Benji grabbing a beer can "s- so... how do you like Barden...?" Benji asked fiddling with his fingers slightly "its all I ever dreamt— I mean I get to be a Barden bella — and I get to sing a- and make friends and basically live life like I've waited too —" I blabbered on "oh... sorry I get a little carried away—" I apologised scrunching my shoulders embarrassed "o- oh n- no! It's- it's cute- I- I MEAN— ITS NICE Haha—....." Benji muttered out waving his hand nervously then rubbing the back of his neck also embarrassed, my cheeks slightly flushed now at his comment "I- yeah..." I said in a flustered manor ——— after a slight bit of chatter and mostly shared silence Benji and I parted ways and I went to go and say hello to my idol Becca Mitchell "oh my god... hi i am one of your biggest fans— I don't know if you've heard about me yet— but im a new member of the Bellas—" I said explaining whom I was and why I was talking to her "oh-! Right Chloe texted me we added someone new— but er— what's your name exactly??.." Becca asked "OH- rIGHT- sorry.. I'm Y/N Swanson" I said pinching myself that I didn't lead with that "Oh—? Oh! You're Jesse's sisterrr— I totally forgot," Becca added ——— the rest of the night was quite a blur but I couldn't help but think about Benji- he's such a sweet guy, and he's totally awkward... and a little weird at times— it perfectly fits my vibe—..

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 1414

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now