❀*̥˚ Chapter Five; Room 205

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Once finally at the hotel Benji would walk me up to my room- room 205. "Right well I guess this is your room then..." Benji said sounding slightly disappointed, "yea I guess it is......" I paused a moment before speaking up again with an idea "hey.. uh— if you wanted to.. m-maybe you could stay... I MEAN — only if you wanted to but.. I just thought since you already drove all this way..... it might just be easier— i mean there is a bed and all that jazz—" I started rambling on trying to get my point across "o-oh?... you- you want me to stay..?" Benji stuttered now his face gone red "ye- yeah, I mean I wouldn't want you to have to drive all the way back ove—" I got cut off by Benji now "i would love too—.. I mea- that'd be nice...." He blurted out "great—" I said using the keycard behind my back unlock the door pushing it open now.. Benji walked in as I held the door for him, finally letting the door close, assuming that Benji didn't have any other closes due to me springing this idea on him last minute.. "right— do you mind if I quickly get changed..?" I asked, which in all seriousness was a stupid question. "O-oh yeah.. go for it.." Benji let out a short laugh to himself, quickly grabbing my bag I'd lock the bathroom door getting changed into some pjs..



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                         (Lil pjs idea for ya :3)

Walking out of the bathroom now wearing my pyjamas, I'd look over at Benji who was now sitting on the bed checking his phone, walking over to the bed now I'd sit down next to him slightly startling him "oh sorry-" I said giggling slightly at his reaction, just as I started giggling a yawn formed in my throat— "oh- are you tired..?" Benji questioned noticing my yawn "oh- well, I suppose so.. I mean today was kinda crazy.." I said smiling- now rubbing my eyes "yeah I can imagine... maybe you should get some rest though..." he said in a soft comforting voice, which was really adorable.. "yeah... I- I guess so," I said calming down now from his soothing voice, and so I got under the covers and so did Benji, trying to get comfortable I moved around quite a lot until I accidentally hooked legs with Benji- panicked I quickly looked over at him and he looked over at me — we had basically stayed like that for a few seconds the tension practically only building as the seconds went on until the idea of kissing him popped back into my brain.. but before I could even try I was kissed by Benji himself— the kiss lasted awhile as I pushed myself upwards to his level — once we finally stopped to catch a breath mine and Benjis faces were beet red —"I- I- IM- I'm sorry I didn't mea—" I cut him off before he could get too carried away by kissing him once more this time holding the sides of his face "w- whoa— I-" Benji stuttered now shifting in the bed slightly "....wow.... if I'm being honest, I've been wanting to do that for the past 3 weeks.." I Said softly looking down now.. "m- me too..." he said fiddling with his fingers "really..?— well why am I even asking that, you kissed me," I giggled slightly "y-yeah... I- i mean... you are really pretty— I- I-mean......who am I kidding you really are pretty.." Benji said embarrassed yet gaining confidence with each word he said "w- wow... really..? I mean you're really handsome yourself you know..?" I said my face heating up a tinge "w- thank you..?" — "so.. did you— really mean what you said about wanting to kiss me for the past 3 weeks..?" Benji asked looking at me his eyes glistening slightly "well... yea— of course i did..." I smiled lightly giving his short curly hair a slight ruffle, he'd let out a little giggle as I did so— a few seconds into the laughter he stopped to stair at me a few more seconds "what..?" I asked as he stared at me scanning my features "o-oh!.. nothing, it's just.... No no never mind" Benji brushed off the fact he just stared at me for like 18 seconds flat.. "tell me... please?"  I asked placing my hand on his hand flustering myself as I did so.. "well.. you're just so— pretty... I really want to kiss you again..." he said pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear, sending shivers down my spine at the slightest touch.. "why don't you then...?" I said leaning towards him again "r-really..? I-" Benji stopped himself from rambling and leaned towards me too.. our foreheads practically touching "...you know, I think we should get some rest," He said giving me a smile and rubbing my hand lightly "mm..? I mean, I am tired..." I said closing my eyes whiles still smiling "you're a really good guy you know that..?" I continued whiles laying down again "you really think so... I- I-..." Benji started stuttering again, so I took the flustered opportunity to give him a little kiss of the nose before laying back down and curling slightly  too fall asleep, Benji giggled lightly from my kiss.. he'd lightly brush the hair out of my face as I laid down.. still slightly awake ———

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 918
(I hope you enjoyed my first non structured part of the story and I hope it sets the mood for the next few chapters :3)

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now