❀*̥˚ Chapter Four; Worlds

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 I found a cute little mood board for what you would wear on the retreat (ps: I'm not really going to write much of the retreat since it's not important to the Benji part of the story and nor will I be dragging the whole worlds competition out int...

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I found a cute little mood board for what you would wear on the retreat (ps: I'm not really going to write much of the retreat since it's not important to the Benji part of the story and nor will I be dragging the whole worlds competition out into a super long chapter, basically be prepared to read a compact version of the end of the movie :3 but please do still enjoy)
                                  -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Walking to the bus for our retreat I'd bump into the treblemakers bus "oo- this is cool—" I said out loud before reading the lettering 'treblemakers are going to blow up Lincoln Center' "hey Benji!.." I said as he walked in front of the bus "Y/N..!" He said Back surprised to see me "listen... i think- you're missing a word here.." I said looking over to the bus and back at him "oh... god- nononono- that's not- that isn't what I meant..— that's really embarrassing—" He continued his cheeks getting flushed now "No- it looks— well, it looks great.." I said smiling looking at the bus still "t- thank you.. that's really- that's really sweet—" He said and then stopped himself as I turned to face him noticing that his hand was about to touch my shoulder, my face starting to warm up at the idea— "u-um.. when- when my hands aren't covered in glitter paint do you- think that we can do that again...." Benji said shyly "I- y-yeah! Sure..." I said smiling my face now definitely a tomato, "o-okay well... I'll- I'll look forward.. to that..." he said still searching for words "I guess.. just let me know when their clean—" I said jokingly "I that's— I will.. have a good one!" I heard him say as I walked away with my suitcase, and just as I was about to get into the bus I looked back over at him smiling to himself.. he really is such a sweet guy, before getting pushed into the bus by Jessica—
For the last two days we had been training and bonding and singing trying to find our sound again, and some fights might have broke out but everything was made up, and on the last night when we decided to sit around the campfire and talk, all of us saying what we wanted to do Becca even asking if i wanted to collaborate on a song, which made me really happy.. Chloe decided to actually graduate this year.. just then things started to get emotional, and sad.. but things were fixed by Chloe starting to sing— the cup song.. everyone harmonising and adding to the song giving me literal chills "did we just find our sound?" Becca asked "I think we did.." Chloe said smiling over at Becca, ——— the next day we all went back to campus, of course getting some rest but by the time of day it was time for Fat Amy to go and confess to bumper since she had discovered she was genuinely in love with bumper, —I love love..— and with that we were all on our way to the trebles sorority house, and Fat Amy decided to have her dramatic moment and paddle across the lake and sing too bumper, which is very Fat Amy of her.. the rest of the girls sitting on the steps and watching her as she paddled. And through the night me and Becca decided to start our collaboration... so yeah, quite a lot happened before the worlds that I barely got to see anyone other than the Bellas.. ——— the Bellas had all finally graduated making it only me who was new blood, meaning I would have to carry on the Bellas for my next 3 years at college, we were in Europe and it was finally the day of the worlds and I was absolutely ECSTATIC, today was our BIG NUMBER, ——— walking into the field for our competition we prepared whiles thousands of people poured into the field making me... slightly nervous, just as I was getting my things ready for the Bellas I felt a light tap on my shoulder expecting it to be one of the girls I turned around— surprised and absolutely SHOCKED at the fact that it was Benji who was stood in front of me now "I- what're you doing here?!.." I asked still flabbergasted at his presence my face going red again, making me think about what happened before I went on the retreat and what happened many weeks ago... "wh- y- you know.. anything to support the Bellas..." Benji Said fiddling with his hands now slightly nervous "wh-... I- hh wow.. now i cant even speak.. i- im Just- just so freaking nervous—" I said searching for the words in my brain.. flustered now "oh my god—..  don't be— you'll be great— I mean we heard you guys rehearsing 24/7..." he said now getting flustered himself "so I'll- I should probably go find my seat—but— u- uh- before I go I just.. I have something for you.." Benji started mumbling now and speaking softly and.. I have no idea what came over me.. but I just felt like I had to finish what we started weeks ago.. I mean the tension felt right to break.. I was going to kiss him and just as I was about to step forward to kiss Becca bumped my shoulder with hers "Y/N you ready..?" She asked,  "I- y- yeah.. I am.." I said fiddling with my fingers more embarrassed now "Benji.." Becca acknowledged him smirking as she walked away, Benji turned back over to me before speaking up again  "Okay.. well.. break a leg," he said, "thanks I will!" I said before he could even respond I ran off after Becca,——— now ready for our show stopping performance we walked up on stage.. the song(s) going amazingly well we ended it off with my original song, making everyone in the crowd going absolutely wilden.....  noticing Benji and Jesse in the crowd I'd smile ... now finally done with all of the crazy Bellas stuff we had a break... running down into the crowd to find Jesse and Benji with the other girls following "HEYYY!" Jesse yelled before hugging Becca then kissing her then turning over to me giving me a hug and ruffling my hair into a crazy mess. "You did so well you silly little goose!!" Jesse exclaimed letting me go now, I looked over at Benji who was staring right at me— I smiled awkwardly at him clutching my arm, I really wanted to kiss Benji earlier.. I thought about it for a minute as everyone conversed, just then I was pulled aside my Benji "oh- hey.." I said smiling "hey—... uhm, I- I just wanted to ask... if you maybe, needed a ride back to your hotel..?.." he asked shyly "oh- oh! That'd be great!... thank you so much.." my smile widening now, my eyes scanning over Benjis appearance.. he was wearing a cute red and white shirt and some kaki shorts.. I smiled to myself before realising I had been staring — just then everyone said their good byes ready to go back to the hotels, "hey you need a lift?" Jesse asked looking over at me "oh- no, Benji offered to give me one.." I replied giving him an upside down smile, "oh reeeaally now?" Jesse asked raising an eyebrow at me and then giggling to himself — "alright then, be safe then I'll see you some other time—" he said giving me one last hug and hair ruffle as usual "dangit i just fixed my hair!" I whined chuckling lightly "bye Y/N," Becca said waving at me as she walked away with Jesse, "right.. shall we leave....?" Benji asked as I turned around to face him, "sure!" —

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 1320

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now