❀*̥˚ Chapter Six; Bathroom Gossip

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Waking up the next morning my eyes slightly fluttering open now i'd rub them lightly yawning— just as I was about to stretch my arms I felt something wrapped around my waist... I gasped lightly as all the memories from the night before rushed into my brain— oh.. wow— that wasn't just a dream.... I— just then I felt Benji start to stir now moving his arm that was wrapped around me, Benji started to yawn now but stopped himself realising I was in front of him "oh—! sorry.. did I wake you..?" I asked apologising "oh- no! no.. you didn't—it's fine" Benji smiled nervously still groggy he sat up "I can't believe I'm waking up next to you right now— I mean... well- you know.. I felt like last night was... a dream" I said muttering now "oh.. I- I mean I understand... I kind of feel the same," Benji said smiling to himself, just then a knock came from my hotel room door- "oh— let me get that," I said quickly pulling the covers off myself and getting out the bed to run over to the door. Another knock erupted from the door just as I opened it— "oh hey—...?" It was Becca— "hey- I just wanted to check in on yo—- oh-! Hey Benji-!" Becca continued stopping herself as she noticed Benji getting off the bed— she raised her eyebrows over to me, I turned around realising what she was referring too "o- OH-!  No—nononononono— I didn't— we didn't.. ye—" I muttered uncontrollably embarrassed. "It's okay I won't tell— well anyways me and Jesse thought It'd be a good idea— to.. invite youu and possibly Benji— you know if you want him to come.. out for some lunch before we head to the airport," Becca explained "oh..? That's- yeah, yeah that'd be great" I said smiling now "alright I'll let you get dressed.. and all that jazz—" Becca said starting to walk away "alright I'll see ya later—!" I yelled as she walked away before closing the door "sorry about that she was asking about lunch..— but er- do you wanna go back to your hotel— so you know.. you can get your clothes and stuff—" I asked turning back over to Benji "oh-! Yeah— yeah that'd be good.." He replied fiddling with his fingers now, "o-okay cool" I smiled at him as he walked over to me now standing next to the door- "oh right here—" I said opening the door for him "I- thanks uh-...—" Benji paused for a moment staring at me still holding the door "before I go-... uh- um.." He stuttered a little bit subconsciously leaning closer to me, I decided to make the move for him- kicking my foot against the door to hold it open I'd wrap my arms around Benji giving him a quick kiss— "alright now get going— I'll see you later.." I said now smiling uncontrollably as Benji's face reddened "I- al-alright," He smiled letting out a light laugh before I gave him a nudge out the door "I'll see you later then!" Benji said before I closed the door.. wow— I never thought that this is how my college days would be going— now realising I was still in my pjs and my hair was as messy as can be I grabbed my bag rushing into the bathroom to get changed—


(Another little outfit idea mood board :3 you don't have do try remember your outfit or anything it just help me out a little for imagining when reading fanfics so I thought it might help you  :] anyways carry on as you were)

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(Another little outfit idea mood board :3 you don't have do try remember your outfit or anything it just help me out a little for imagining when reading fanfics so I thought it might help you  :] anyways carry on as you were)


quickly styling my hair— I'd brush my teeth, grab my bag and suitcase walking off with my phone in hand looking at the message Jesse had sent me that read 'meet us at ****** Hotel it's not that long of a walk—' I stopped reading the message there as I handed in my room key to the check in counter walking out of the door, running down the narrow side walk too the Hotel my brother had mentioned——— Once finally there I saw Becca and Jesse standing near the entrance, quickly walking over to them I'd speak up "Hey guys—!" I said stopping now in front of them "Oh hey Y/N!" My brother gave me a quick hug— just then the automatic door from the hotel opened with Benji walking out of it— "o-oh- hey Benji!...." I said smiling to myself knowing no one reaallyy knows what happened between the two of us, "oh.. hi- uh.. how're you doing—" He asked "fine— yeah I've been fine-" I replied to his silly question looking over at Becca who's face was— the only way I can describe it is 'sarcasm "interesting" face' — while Jesse on the other hand just looked over at us with a slight smile clueless as to what was happening... well at least I hope he's clueless "right well- does everyone have their bags — cause you can pop them in the rental car I got," Jesse said unlocking the boot of a car that was parked next to the Hotel— "oh cool—" I said walking over to the car dragging my suitcase with me, plopping it in the boot both Becca and Benji would follow after me putting their bags in too. "Alright great— now let's go get some lunch I'm stAaaaarrvinggg" Jesse said groaning dramatically, everyone got in the car me and Benji at the back Becca and Jesse at the front of course, now on the still narrow roads we would drive to a nice diner for some lunch,——— walking into the diner a rush of cool air from the air conditioning blasted down from the roof- reading the 'please wait to be seated' sign at the front entrance we all 'waited to be seated' a nice lady 'seated' us, giving us menus and walking away "MMM bro these nachos do be looking SCRUMPTIOUS" Jesse exclaimed "if I'm being honest I think I'm just gonna get the caesar salad," Becca said placing the menu back down on the table "hmmmm... I'm too indecisive— someone decide for me—" I said banging my head into the menu. Just then Benji placed a hand on my thigh— AAAA— with definitely no panic I shot him a quick look still smiling, "well— there are some good burgers.. and tacos—, and like Jesse said Nachos..." Benji said softly but just loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yeahh you know what im just gonna get some tacos that sounds pretty good-" I said placing the menu down looking over at Jesse and Becca now they were both looking over at me and Benji oddly— dangit, "great, I'm just gonna get some slop chips." Benji said smiling over at me "Ooo that sounds really good— let me add those chips to my order over here" Becca said ——— not long after our orders arrived and we were sitting talking and having a pretty good time "alright well— I'm gonna use the restroom quickly —" Becca said getting up out of the booth "yeah, me too-" I said also getting up and walking with Becca to the bathrooms towards the back of the restaurant——— "so, are you guys official yet-?" Becca asked giving my shoulder a nudge as i washed my hands "i- wh- what do you mean..?" I asked acting dumb "you know— you and Bennnjjjiii??.. like has he asked you to be his girlfriend yett—?" Becca continued giggling to herself "well.. no actually— not much has even happened yet— we haven't been on a date or any of that jazz.. since all we did last night wa—" i got cut off by Becca gasping loudly "DID YOU woohoo....!!?!?" Becca shouted and then whispered harshly "AAA- NO! BECCA— I WOULD NEVER DO THAT KIND OF THING BEFORE A FIRST DATE—" I yelled and then whispered "ohhhh okay okay.. nice to know you have morals— i mean when you surround yourself with Stacy it's difficult not to think about that kind of thing—" Becca rambled "yeah, i get that- but er— i never really intended to do the woohoo anytime soon.." I said as i finished drying my hands with the paper towels "woww" Becca said walking out the bathroom with me "alright alright enough of the gossip talk—" I said as we neared the table "hey ladies" Jesse said holding the bill for the meal "ahhh what a gentleman paying for the meal" Becca mentioned the bill giving Jesse a peck on the cheek "haha yes i know I'm amazing," Jesse mocked and the waitress took the bill, "right now we gotta get going out plane leaves at 6 and it's 5 now" Jesse said as we all got up out of the booth now heading back to the car, getting into the car now I heard Jesse say "I CALL DIBS ON THE AUX" — "Hey! No i get a turn now" Becca argued "nOoo—" — "guys guys guys— let's not fight" I said jokingly as Jesse turned the key to start the car "alllright then you play music" Jesse said referring to me "Uhhhhh— well noo... no, Let Benji play some my playlists are kind of messy at the moment...—" I said putting my hand on Benjis shoulder, "o- Oh.. sure I i can play some music—" Benji stuttered "Oo alright alrightt—" Jesse said passing the aux cord over to Benji— after some time we were all harmonising with the music having our a Capella moment.. and before we knew it we were at the airport—

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 1607
(Hehe, it is quite fun writing without worrying about the storyline)
(Edit: guys I'm rereading my own work and I'm seeing the mess ups I made 😭 please bare with me)

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now