❀*̥˚ Chapter Nine; Happy endings..?

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(hey this is meee the -author ofc- I just wanted to say this'll be a time skip for like 4-5 years later because I need an excuse to wrap this story up💀)

It was a perfectly purply blue skied night, stars shining bright and the clouds fading into nothing— I quickly grabbed my keys out of my bag unlocking my apartment door— how's life for me now—? Well life's going good.. I'm making music, I got a kick ass apartment that's rent is cheap as shit— and I still have the best boyfriend in the WORLD— "Benji—?" I said opening the door placing my bag down on the floor next to the door— noticing the lights were dimmed in the apartment I walked further into the kitchen and then dining room surprised to see Benji full suit + a corn blue bow tie in-front of the round dining table with a— I assume home made dinner "spaghetti..? A single red rose..? Chocolate!— w- wait.. what's this all for..?" I questioned looking at the thought that was put into this entire meal, and the scenery.. "well.. I- it's— okay this is stupid, but today around 5 years ago..— you and I went on our first date.. and—" I stopped Benji before he finished what he wanted to say by giving him the tightest hug ever, "how do you even remember this stuff!....? You're too sweet to even be alive," I said giggling tightening the hug before releasing him from my death grab, "well... once again this is kind of stupid, but I remembered because I wanted to do.. this.." Benji paused for a second staring at me before kneeling down on one knee, I felt my entire soul leave my body as he did so— he magically poofed a beautiful marquise cut emerald ring, and held it in front of me before speaking up.. "oh- god I told myself I wouldn't cry— but here I am... uhm.. I didn't prepare a speech because I felt like in the moment I'd know what to say—.. so here goes.. (Y/N L/N).. I think you are the most funny, gorgeous, and perfect woman.. in the entire world— and the joy you bring into my everyday life— is something I never could have imagined I would have—... so.. uhm— I'm asking for you to stay in my life for as long as we live.. (Y/N L/N), Will you make me the happiest guy in the world.. and marry me..? Maybe..?" As he spoke his voice cracked and one or two tears were shed but I wasn't judging since I was practically balling and gasping for air— "YES! OH MY GgOD A MILLION TIMES YES!!" I said cheesily immediately crouching to the ground tackling Benji into a hug before letting go he quickly fumbled for the ring putting it on my left ring finger.. "WAIT... ARE WE ENGAGED NOW.....?" I asked absolutely shocked the reality of the situation setting in.. "Yeah!.." Benji let out a laugh, ——— the rest of the night was a lovely one, and I'm sure the rest of our lives were going to be lovely.. cheesy I know, but it's true— I really wish the best for the rest of our lives.. :3

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 606
(Okay if you cringed then go die 😡  okay but seriously I'm so sorry for such a short fan fiction :/  things are absolutely bonkers rn and I just think of writing as a hobbie so im not 'Professional' or anything, so I do indeed hope you enjoyed my first ever published fanfiction☺️💄🐾 bye forever I guess!!)

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now