❀*̥˚ Chapter Three; A Little Distracted

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Driving back to campus with Benji was calm.. the music from his radio playing some light lofi along with the slight humming of the car on the road, before I knew it we were at the campus— checking the time again I'd look down at my phone 11:45 pm— lovely, getting out of the car now adjusting my pants after hopping out, "hey thanks again for driving me.. that was really sweet," I said to Benji smiling lightly "it- it's no problem..." He replied smiling back and staring down at the ground "hey would it be okay if I come back too the boys dorm with you..? I just wanna say a little goodbye to Jesse I'm probably not gonna see him for a little while— I'm gonna be quite busy with the Bellas" I asked curling a little bit of my hair with my finger, "oh— s- sure" He replied, ——— walking up to their dorm room I saw a few people looking over at me and Benji— don't people know how to mind their own business..— audibly exhaling as Benji opened the door letting me in, expecting to see my brother sitting on his bed I'd open my mouth as if to say something but I looked to his bed and no one was there.... "Oh..." I mumbled out sort of disappointed, "o-oh... he's not here... well- I- mean... feel free to stay and wait... but he might no—" Benji started to stutter again— "oh— sure I'll wait a little... hopefully he'll be here soon.." I added, sitting down neatly on Benjis bed "so...." Benji said awkwardly sitting down next to me on his bed, waiting a few more minutes in silence I'd admire all of the cool stuff Benji had on his side of the room, both of us breathing in at the same time to say something- I quickly turned to face him and he did the exact same thing- our faces about 5 inches apart both of our faces flushed bright red but neither of us moved away.. the tension still building as my eyes wandered around his face making its way down to his lips, noticing that his breathing was staggered as I subconsciously moved closer towards him just as our faces were closing in on 3 inches Benji kissed me holding one of his hands on the back of my neck and his other hand placed lightly on my thigh, shocked at his actions I'd kiss back wrapping my arms around him pulling myself deeper into the kiss— just as the the contact was getting more intense I hear the latch on the door unlock and the door opened making both me and Benji jump pushing away from each other, our faces both beet red from our very— passionate.. kiss, "Hey dude sorr— Y/N-!" Jesse said surprised that I was in his dorm room "hey sorry I just wanted to say I wouldn't see you for awhile— and yk goodbye?" I said laughing awkwardly "oh alright," Jesse said with a little frowny face, "yeah, yeah.. now I've gotta get going, I need my 'Beauty rest' as Chloe put it" I said giggling to myself.. "alright go get your beauty sleep then," Jesse said smiling and ruffling my hair slightly, as he ruffled my hair I looked over too Benji who was still sitting on the bed now fiddling with the hem of his shirt again his face still red.. I smiled again before walking to the door and opening it "alright— I'm off then.. er— Bye Benji! thanks again for the ride," I added saying my goodbye to him awkwardly my face going red again now, before my brother could even say anything I ran away down the hall———
laying in my bed listening to my roommate snoring loudly as she slept, I sighed aloud thinking about what had literally just happened 30 minutes ago.......HE KISSED ME... he kissed me! ME? oh my god.... Hhhh... I mean- he is really cute— but, no- no..... Yes??.... It's still racking my brain, I mean he's adorable and - funny, and smart.... Okay- I guess I might have a little crush....

It was the next day and it was the Bellas first performance with me and I was out of my mind exited, I mean —"This is my first genuine performance!!" I practically squealed "relax Y/N this is only a warm up for the worlds." Chloe said snapping me out of my craze, just then my brain wandered and I started to think about that kiss... my face gone red and I'm pretty sure Chloe noticed because she spoke up now "are you nervous or something Y/N..? Your face is redder than my hair" Chloe giggled at me and her own little joke "haha— no I- yeah... yeah I'm just nervous" I stopped myself from telling the truth, I didn't want to be anymore embarrassed or distracted than I was right now,
Sadly.. our act did not go well AT ALL... everything was ruined and Cynthia-rose's hair caught on fire— so yeah... our drive back was not pleasant... so I pulled out my phone checking my messages— right I have no messages, oh well— until all of a sudden Chloe exploded with rage "are we just gonna IGNORE what happened back there?! Guys hello? the worlds are right around the corner— and you guys are acting like we didn't just eat a big bag of AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" Chloe yelled I feel like I could see the cartoon steam coming out her ears, "why you yelling at me-? I almost burnt to death because of you a-ca-bitches" Cynthia chimed in now — "If you almost died it was only because you were standing in the wrong spot!" Fat Amy said now "NO- flo flipped into me!!" Cynthia yelled back "oh sure, blame the minority" Flo said calmly "I'm Black, Gay, and a woman," Cynthia argued, "I'm not pointing the finger at anybody... it was new girls fault" Amy said softly now "me—? Wh- I didn't..-" I started getting cut off by Chloe "obviously we're not gonna beat das sound machine at their own game.. so we need a new plan like now-" she said standing up now holding her hand up "so at times like these there's only one thing to do.." she continued "fake your own death and flee the country.." Flo added "close, we're going on a retreat." Chloe said finalising our conversation/fight..

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 1091

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now