❀*̥˚ Chapter Eight; Perfect Date

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It had been about two days after the worlds and the Bellas had given me the sorority house, meaning I was still cleaning up some of the mess that was left there, basically just getting the house clean enough to live in, "great—" I whispered to myself putting the broom down— just then getting cut off my a knock at the stained glass door, "COMING—!" I yelled from the kitchen where I had been sweeping. Rushing the the door I'd open it— surprised at who I'd see— IT WAS BENJI!... wait why was he here— "OH MY GOSH—! Benji!... what're you doing here—" I asked giving him a big hug "hey!.. I really just wanted to say hi... and well—" Benji started before pausing to magically poof the most vibrantly deep red rose, giving it to me "I wanted to ask you..... I- if maybe you'd like to... go out with me tonight..?" He continued as I took the rose, staring at Benji as he continued "I— oh my god.... Yes! Yes! I'd love too!" I exclaimed giving him another hug and a light kiss on the cheek, "great!..." Benji said smiling taking a few steps into the house— I quickly placed the rose in a single flower vase the Bellas had stocked away in a cabinet. ——— before Benji and I went out I had to get dressed for the night ahead—



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(More outfit ideas for the little date night. If I ever do a another version of this story with other pronouns/genders— I will change the outfits to match just an fyi)

Walking down stairs nearly tripping at how exited I was, "w- wow... you look— beautiful- I mean!- cute.. AweSOME—? Pretty!.. uh.. yeah..?" Benji stammered searching for the right word to describe you, "OH— uh, thanks.. well— you— you.. look quite handsome yourself," I said smiling at him as I opened the front door of the sorority house signalling for Benji to walk through, "oh.. Thank you—" he started "so, what'd you have in mind...?" I asked as I locked the door walking with Benji now to where I assume his car was parked, "well.. I thought— only if you'd like too of course-.. uhm, get some sea food..? And then maybe.. take a drive and watch the sunset..? ONce again ONLY if you want too—! I-" Benji started to ramble again before I stopped him gently grabbing one of his hands intertwining our fingers.  "That sounds perfect—" I gave him a upside down smile as we stopped in front of his car, "wonderful.." he quickly smiled back unlocking the car letting go of my hand, walking to the passenger seat and getting in, you know the drill— just your average car ride. We stopped in front of this quaint restaurant with a koi fish logo, assuming this is where the sea food was at I got out of the car as Benji put it in park— there were string lights and street lamps lighting the entrance of the restaurant as we made our way in, our hands finding their own way into the other's, stopping at the front desk where we'd 'wait to be seated' I took in the surroundings of the restaurant the string lights from outside carried throughout the entire building (other than the kitchen), the building was mostly wood and brick— with little gas lanterns on each table— just then my train of thought was broken by a nice looking blonde waitress leading us to our table, to make a long story short— I had the best sushi in the world and Benji had some lovely calamari and fish, we had one amazingly long talk about our lives— and it felt so surreal..? Almost as if I had been dreaming all of this.. who knows maybe I am—? Oh boy..—, getting back inside the silver car that Benji drove we made our way down a narrow road listening to some barely audible music from the car radio, looking out the window into the pink orange and purple sunset.. absolutely beautiful may I add— the sun slowly setting as we drove we came to a dead end.. Benji decided to park the car so we could admire the floating orb in the sky that we physically couldn't stare at.. but you know.. at least we can stare at the colours surrounding it, "wow... it really is awesome.." Benji spoke up from the comfortable silence we created, walking up to the edge of a stone fence I leaned my elbows and stuck my right leg out longer than my left so I could rest- now staring into the sunset that caressed the horizon.. the sky now becoming more purple than orange or pink—  "it really is.." I smiled looking over at Benji who was now looking back at me with a cute expression on his face, "what's on you're mind magic boy..?" I said playfully booping his nose and stepping slightly closer to him, "I- oh, uhm.. nothing really.. just you know.. normal stuff—?" He said with a giggle— still questioning his own answer. "Mm..? And what normal stuff would that be.." I said jokingly, with no response we stared at each other for a few seconds before I got a little too flustered to stare.. "heh— so.. that sea food was really nice..?" I tried striking up a conversation but before I knew it Benjis lips met with mine, a passionate yet gentle kiss.. lasting for a good couple seconds before he pulled away, "I just— I really wanted to do that again.." he said giving a small smile looking down at the ground then back up at me, I was still flustered but I could comprehend what had just happened and I immediately without thought wrapped my arms around Benji giving him another kiss, mine less gentle than before— but still passionate.. his arms now wrapped around my waist kissing back.. this was the most romantic kiss I could have ever experienced I mean the sunset.. the mood, the person.. Everything 8 year old me dreamt my love life would be.. once we pulled away both of our faces were red and we both identically looking to the ground.. "w- wow.. that was amazing— that was like straight out of a romance comedy movie..—" I said looking up now "yeah.. totally, I- i enjoyed it.." Benji said smiling brightly at me slightly closing his eyes..— he looked like one of those happy cat photos— after another 17 minutes of watching the sunset... and maybe one or two more kisses— it was time for us to end the night.. in a perfect way may I add— ice cream and movies—

ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡ Word count: 1122
(HII <3 I'm back on the grind, I hope you enjoyed thiss chapter I felt inspired— idk by what but I WAS INSPIRED<3)

𝐏𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 // Benji 𝐱 F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now