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Royal's POV

"What do you want Tío? Father sent you as reinforcement maybe," I hadn't seen him in what was it... 3 years.

"Why be defensivo? We used to be, so close, mi Ese."

"Yeah, and then you left, for 3 years might I add, and now you're back ironically just in time for me to be outted in front of everyone I know."

"Sí, your papi wanted me to come over to talk your sister about her chica blanca, but no one knew about you you've always been, so much of a Peje towards the ladies."

"Just call me a whore and move on. I will repeat myself one more time. Why are you here? What do you want?"

"Your father wanted me to talk... or beat some sense into you, but I've never been one to listen to my big brother.... I just wanted to know if you are okay."

"I'm fine," I stared at him. I wanted to let my guard down, but even if he says he's here for my well-being putting your guard down around Carlos was never a good idea.

"Then why are you hiding in here instead of with that attractive Cielito of yours?"

"Shut up.... It's just...," I sighed, "a lot has happened in a short period of time and I needed a break."

"Look, ninõ, I'm not here to make you feel worse or anything, but if you can't do this don't bring others down with you. Let's admit it your a problematic person and eventually those around you are going to notice it and either break or break you."

I looked at him. I knew his words were true, but that doesn't mean I don't deserve love... does it?

"Cash isn't like that," even as I said it there was hesitance in my voice.

"You two have been enemies for a lot longer than you've been lovers, so you really believe that he will stay with you if things keep on happening the way they do," why couldn't he just say that it was possible for me to be loved and leave, "eventually, your habit of pushing people away is going to work on him. You also thought Max would never do anything to hurt you and look where that led you."

I softly touched my arm through the makeshift cast, "DON'T... don't compare Cash to that monster."

"Fine, but it's time for you to admit that you will never be as loved as you love," with that he turned and exited the locker room.

I couldn't hold it in and I collapsed starting to madly sob. I punched the locker next to me with my good arm and then screamed. I knew he was right and I knew if it came down to it I wouldn't be Cash's first choice... I probably wouldn't even be a choice, but it hurt to think about it.

I just sat on the floor crying wanting to just be a better person. Wanting to be loved... wanting to be wanted.

After everything it's a miracle Cash is still around... I mean... I kissed him in front of everyone without even asking him if he was ok with people knowing about our relationship. He looked pissed when he saw that poster after all.

After who knows how long I picked myself up and went to the mirror to clean myself up. I couldn't let anyone see any weakness. Splashing water over my puffy face. As I washed everything from the very eventful day I heard the team start flooding in.

From the sounds of it we ended up winning the game. As they flooded in silence filled the room, "Hey," Cash was the first to speak up.

Fuck, I can't do this. I plastered my favorite, fake smile and whirled around and leaned back onto the sink, "Hi, we win?"

I already knew the answer, but still, "yeah, are you okay?"


"Dude, your face is red and puffy, have you been crying?" Shut up, Jasper.

"When was the last time you've known me to cry exactly, dude. I'm fine and in case you missed it I was recently illegally tackled very hard into the ground, so know I have a fucking broken arm and probably i slightly red and swollen face, dipshit."

"No need to be defensive," I rolled my eyes and stood the rest of the way up.

I looked at Cash who just took his shoulder pads and undershirt off leaving him shirtless. Tío was right, how could this man love me? I walked towards him and brought his body close to mine kissing him on the lips, "sexy," I smirked and started to walk out of the locker rooms, "hurry up, I'm fucking starving."

As I finished leaving I didn't miss the comments thrown at Cash about our relationship.

Walking a little farther down the hall Ivy and Sasha caught up with me and started walking with one on each side. "You backstabbing, bitch."

"Ironic coming from you. Didn't you just blast my tongue fucking a dude in front of two different schools?" I didn't bother looking at either of them just kept on walking.

Sasha spoke up next, "you were supposed to talk to Cash about ME!"

"I did talk to him about you and in case you haven't picked up on it he's not into you."

Back to the girl everyone warned about.... I have people I need to apologize to, "you were supposed to be straight! You were supposed to be mine," I finally stopped and looked at her.

"I wasn't supposed to do or be anything and even if I was straight I would never be interested in you that way," she looked offended, but I didn't care, so I kept walking.

They stayed behind for a couple of seconds before catching up and grabbing my good arm to whirl me around, "I have a lot of shit on you, Royal, we've been friends for a long time and I can RUIN you."

"I don't trust people, so I doubt that you actually have anything on me and even if you did I have just as much on you, so the ruining would be mutual."

"I still have the 'Max Blackmail'."

"Eh, my team and my boyfriend already knows, so I don't give a fuck about what you have and don't have."

"You've changed, Royal, and I don't like it. The person you were before was, so much better. This... this version of you it's just not the same it's not worth anything. You'll lose all the things you used to have if you continue to act like this," she tried gently grabbing my hand before I ripped it out of her grasp.

"I'll eat a bowl of water with a fork before I give a fuck about your opinion of me," I felt and arm cross my shoulders it was Marcus for some odd reason.

"Sup, Ivy are what y'all talking about? Me I hope."

"Ew, why would we be talking about you?"

"Because I see no other reason why you would be stupid enough to try and talk to my boy here after what you did. Scram, rats, we'll call when we need you."

We watched walk away, "you're a fuckboy and a douche bag."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I saw Ivy and Sasha follow you as you left back there and figured you'd need help."

"Thanks I guess."

"Well, for some reason Cash likes you and he's one of my closest friends and your boyfriend, so we might as well get along, now let's go eat."

"Sorry about your sister. Not sorry about what I said, but sorry about where and how I said it, so yeah."

"Eh, your gay and she is a slut, so I don't really care," plus he took his arm off my shoulders, "I'm thinking about asking Natalie out!"

I turned towards him wide eyed, "WHAT!" He sprinted down the hall, "MARCUS GET BACK HERE!"

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