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Cash's POV

Royal came into the tent a few minutes later and cuddled up to me. It was obvious he's been crying, "what were you and Rebel talking about?"

"Nothing important."

"You can talk to me."

"I know," we sat in a comfortable silence for a while after that. We'd go out and enjoy the nature in a bit, but for now this was good.

"I got a text a little bit ago... it's why I took so long."

"Is everything ok," I nudged his shoulder a bit making him look at me.

"My father has been convicted... and they're trying to take my sisters and I away from my mother for negligence," he paused, but he wasn't done so I stayed quiet, "they won't arrest her, but she probably won't be our legal guardian. Since Natalie, Haley, and I are all old enough we'll probably be able to stay here," his voice cracked and I pulled him harder towards me, "the rest are going to go live with some family out of state... I don't know when I'll see them again."

"Oh, baby," he turned around and hid his face in my chest and started to quietly cry. I held him for who knows how long before speaking again, "will you be ok... money wise? Do you need a place to stay?"

"...don't get mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"I've been staying with Coach and Marcus and their family for the last week or so. It's most likely they're going to take legal guardianship over me."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I was scared?"

"You never have to be scared of telling me things, baby,"

"I love you," he pushed a chaste kiss on my lips, "oh, and money wise I'll be fine. Please money wise our grandchildren will still be millionaires if they're smart."

"Our?" I chuckled raising my eyebrow.

He blushed furiously, "shut up!"

He got up and ran out the tent, so, obviously, I chased him.

~ Dinner time ~

We all sat around a campfire eating s'more's around a fire, since we were teenagers with no adults around who really don't care about their health even though half of us were football players. Royal and Rebel were arguing about something, but it was a bit more playful than bitchy this time around.

"Ewww," Marcus nudged me, "you too better not fuck in our room."

"I'll make sure to fuck on your bed if you keep it up," I nudged him back.

After a small threat earlier we were good again. Just wanted to make sure he treated my mans right while they were staying together. I of course knew he wasn't going to treat him badly it's just fun to mess with Marcus sometimes.

"So," I caught a conversation Blake was having with Royal, "what are you going to do about the new kids? The ones taking over your father's company?"

"I don't know to be honest. Molly and Reef still don't know who I am, but they're bound to find out reeeally soon. I'll figure it out as I go. But if Molly keeps on flirting with Cash I'm going to sick Natalie and Jo on her."

Blake laughed at him and Cherry joined in too over hearing them. I wasn't sure he was serious or not, but that didn't matter much in the moment. I'm glad he was getting along with the others.

After dinner we all packed up and went to our separate tent for the night since it was nearly midnight.

Laying down I dragged Royal on me. Straddling me we started to make out for a bit before breaking apart. He looked at me rubbing his hands across my chest before fully laying down on top of me.

"They asked me if I was in love with you."

"Who? Rebel?" I felt him nod, "what'd you say?"

I smirked as he looked up at me with his iconic 'are you fucking kidding me look'. "Obviously I said no. That I was only using you for your good looks and money."

"Yeah," I sighed breaking into a full smile and pecking his lips, "that's what I thought."

He rolled his eyes at me, "I hate you."

"Oh, please you've always loved me. Even when we hated each other you were obsessed with me."

"Shut up," I gasped dramatically and started feeling his forehead, "what?"

"Are you ok? You didn't curse."

"I know how to keep it PG."

"Do you?"

"I hate you."

"You already said that," he put his head into my shoulder and groaned. I caught his eyes starting to droop and leaned down a bit to kiss his forehead lying on my shoulder, "I love you, goodnight."

"Love you too. Nighty night."

~Couple weeks later

We had finally unpacked Royal's last box into the Black's family house. He and Marcus had both been griping the whole time because of what goes where neither used to sharing a room. Also, I wasn't letting Royal pick up anything that required both hands because even though he got his brace off he still had to be careful.

Royal was right about him, Natalie, and Haley moving in with Coach, obviously. Royal had moved into Marcus's room, Alexa and Ava shared a room, and Natalie and Haley shared a room.

It was definitely going to take some getting used to, but I had confidence they could work this out. Plus, Royal has threatened Marcus at least 10 times in the last week about messing with his sister.

Something thing I was worried about was the control dynamics. I was probably more worried about that than anything else. Royal hated people telling him what to do, but Coach and Mrs. Black weren't
nilly-willy about things. They were definitely going to hurt heads, but Royal was always welcome at my house so they'll be fine.

My parents would eventually get over whatever the fuck bit them in the asses and suddenly dislike my boyfriend. They've already made a bit of progress inviting over with any interference on my part.

As I stared at Royal play fighting with Marcus I knew everything was going to be alright and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this man, but that would have to wait. We've still got to make it through high school.

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