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Cash's POV

"What the fuck was that?" Royal reached his good arm to turn off the water and grab a towel.

"Sounded like the door," We threw some clothes on as quickly as we could and exited the bathroom.

Marcus and Tristan were in the middle of the room while Jaxon was no where to be seen.

We joined them in their mindless standing before I headed for the door. I exited and the other three tried to follow, "no, you two stay. Tristan move your ass faster."

"Why me?"

"Because you caused the problem you have to fix it."

"What are you guys talking about?" Royal was confused, but he was also nursing his broken arm making believe he somehow hurt it in our rush. So I wasn't going to put him in a situation where he would stress it more.

"Take care of your arm. We'll get this sorted," I half dragged Tristan and stormed out of the bedroom starting our look for Jasper.

We quickly decided that Jasper wasn't going to be in the hotel after searching for a while and trying Jasper's phone we decided to take a break in the park.

"I don't know why he stormed out like that," he paused but I knew he was going to continue so I didn't speak up, "we were just casually talking before he got pissed of and stormed off," he left out a sad chuckle, "that 6 foot 3 baby."

We both stayed quiet for a while before I got up looked at him, "You like him don't you?"

He looked up at me shocked before trying to put on a neutral face. He wasn't as good as it as Royal, "I... my feelings towards him doesn't matter... he's straight."

Yeah right. He got up and we started walking again, "Royal and I have hated each other for as long as I can remember," I laughed and he looked at me, "if you would've told me a couple months ago that I would be in love with Royal Hawkson I would've laughed in your face, but somehow, someway everything worked out."

"I always thought that you two would get together."

It was my turn to look at him, "what?!"

"I mean you two have had crushes on each other for awhile. It was hidden just enough by hate that people who knew you guys long enough thought that hate was all it was. Why did you think every new student thought you two were hooking up."

"How... how do you know all this?"

"Royals my best friend... and I'm a little more observant than Jasper. I always thought that Ivy knew too but apparently not she was just infatuated with him."

"I think you should tell Jasper about your feelings," he looked at me like I was crazy for the millionth time today, "I know we're not super close and friends yet, but I really do think you should trust me enough on this."

"I don't-"

"JASPER!" As soon as I yelled that Tristan shut up and looked around.

Jasper walked towards us and we met in the middle, "why are you here? I was going to come back I'm just getting food first."

"Jasper- I-" he stopped short and looked down.

I looked between them, "you guys need to talk so I'll head to the hotel first. Don't be to late Royal will kill all of us."

With that I walked back to the hotel and went to the room, "what the fuck are you two doing?"

As I walked into the room I saw Marcus and Royal just staring out each other while Royal is straddling is thighs and pinning him to the bed.

"Well, babe, you're friend here is still into my sister so I'm doing the only reasonable thing and threatening the shit out of him."

Marcus is the first one who looked at me with a scared look in his eyes before mouthing 'help me'.

I laughed at him, but still walked over to Royal before grabbing his hand and pulling towards me. He didn't resist and even let Marcus get up.

"Your boyfriend is crazy," I smiled.

"His boyfriend is standing right here."

"I know."

I barely payed attention to the conversation after that since I couldn't get past the fact that other people... that Marcus Black... was calling Royal my boyfriend.

After a few more minutes the bickering between the two hadn't stopped but we were all chilling on our bed. I was sitting up and leaning against the frame while Royal was under my arm using my chest as a pillow and attempting to kick Marcus who was laying across the foot of our bed.

The door opened and Travis and Jasper walked in, "we brought food."

Royal only gave them a quick glance before going back to trying to attack Marcus who must've said something because Royal sat up out of my arms and was hitting him with a pillow now while he grabbed his own weapon of choice. I had a feeling that those two were going to become close. Which is good because Marcus is like my brother and I was terrified they weren't going to get along at all.

I got up and helped looking through the bag to find everyone's food. The three of us were completely silent so I was happy for the bickering in the back. I knew they were a bit rowdy for Royal's arm, but the second he showed pain I had no doubt Marcus would stop and probably secretly worry while still messing with him.

"Okay, okay," Tristan spoke, "calm down you two. It's time to eat."

Jasper and him sat on their bed while I sat back on the bed with Marcus and Royal who we're given their food at some point. We all ate and talked for a while before Marcus finally brought up the question we were all thinking.

"So you guys good? Friends again? Like the three musketeers," he hit Royals knee as we said the last part who without a doubt hit back.

"Actually... no," Tristan spoke up sounding super sad again. Marcus and Royal stopped playing as Royals face paled looking at his two best friends. I knew he was thinking about the fact that he might lose them too.

"We've decided it would be better for us... at least for now... if we weren't friends anymore."

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