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Cash's POV

"He's vulgar," my grandfather spoke the second Royal left.

"I'm sorry about that.. if I would've known we wouldn't have.. yeah."

"Maybe you and him shouldn't be having sex in the first place," my grandfather attempted to mumble.

"Excuse me?"

"You have younger siblings. Do you really believe they should be hearing something like that the moment they walked through the door," I had to look away for a second, "Your mother slightly mentioned how she caught you after an act of intercourse before. I just assumed that it was a woman."

I scoffed and looked back at him, "I'm sorry? Are you upset because I had sex with my boyfriend in my room when I thought nobody was home or because I fucked someone with a dick instead of a pussy."

"CASH BENJAMIN HUGH!" My grandmother yelled appalled, "watch your mouth."

"Answer the question, grandfather."

"Calm yourself, Cash, I don't give a flying fuck that you are dating a guy. I give a fuck that you are dating a HAWKSON!"


"Are you sure about that, son?"

"Dad. Don't," my mom spoke up from where she was sitting.

"Your son has the right to know what you really think of his boyfriend."

"Dad, don't do this to your grandson," Aunt Irene now spoke.

"At lunch earlier your parents, aunt and uncle had no problem complaining about your lover, it was suspicious they didn't mention a gender but still," I opened my mouth and closed it, "they had no problem complaining about what a bad influence their son's lover was on the children. With all of his tattoos and piercings does he really call himself attractive like that? And well we already know he's influenced you into alcohol and public sex. Who knows what else that boy has done to you. Also-"

"THATS FUCKING ENOUGH!" I stood up slapping the ottoman, "what the fuck is wrong with all of you? You act like you like him and he's amazing in front of us then talk about him behind his back. You call him your friend," I looked at Jo, "and then keep secrets like this?" I looked back to my grandfather, "and yes, Royal Hawkson is one of the most attractive fucking people I've ever seen in my life with or without his tattoos and shit." I turned and was nearly out of the room when I turned back to look at them all one last time, "ALSO! WHY IS EVERYONE I KNOW SO CONCERNED WITH HIS FUCKING LAST NAME!" I looked at each one of them before continuing, "like it or not one day I'm going to turn that Hawkson into a Hugh. It's your choice whether or not you're going to be there for that day."

With that I walked up to my room and slammed my door. I wanted to call Royal and tell him how much I love him and a whole bunch of things, but I wasn't going to burden him with that. Not with what he's going through. So, instead I sank down with my back to the door and started to cry.

I don't understand why everyone hated the man I loved, so much. I love him so much it makes my heart ache when he's not near me. Royal's a good guy just a little broken. When I told him that he was apart of my family now I meant it and now I have to look at my family every time I see them together and know that they don't want him there.

There was a soft knock at the door. I opened it to see my mom standing there and I was about to close it before she put her foot in the way. Instead I went and sat on my bed. Which was still a mess from earlier.

"I know you love him," she came inside and closed the door, "I just don't want to see you hurt and he's the type of person to hurt you. Like it or not I do believe you love him more than he loves you."

"Just because he loves in a different way doesn't mean he doesn't love me. Royal doesn't trust, but he takes down all his barriers when he's around me; he doesn't speak on his emotions or like PDA, but he will tell everyone he loves me and then kiss me in front of them all if provoked; he doesn't like people using him for his money, but every single day he brings me something; he doesn't invite new people in, but he's giving my friends and family a chance because I love them. He loves me in every way he knows how. You are the ones who can't see past his past and what he looks like to see his heart. Now please get away from me. I want to be alone."

She rubbed her hand across my shoulders and stood up, "whatever you say... I do love you. Just so you know."

When she left I grabbed my phone. I opened my texts and the first thing to pop up was exactly the number I was looking for.

~I Love You

LOML ❤️💍
~I love you too
~Everything ok?

~I just wanted you to know
~What are u doing???

~I was about to go to bed
~But now I'm texting the hottest man alive

~Do I know him 😏

~It's Jasp obvi

~Very funny
~Why didn't you want to stay the night?


The bubbles stopped, but nothing came through. I was about to call him not to push just to see if he was ok, but he finally messaged me back.

~My sister needed me
~I'll stay over tomorrow if you missed me so much 😏😉
~We can have some fun 🍆💦🍑

~Go to bed you horny freak
~I love you

~Love you more
~Nighty Night

With that I smiled at my phone and put it down. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling for a couple minutes. Why would anyone ever think that Royal wasn't enough for me or that he didn't love me. Whatever it was I vow I'll never let them hurt him.

I'll never let anyone hurt him ever again.

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